SMBC Minami-senri branch en Suita

JapónSMBC Minami-senri branch



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒565-0862 Osaka, Suita, Tsukumodai, 1-chōme−2−D9 クリスタルホテル南千里 101 1階
contactos teléfono: +81 570-043-195
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7941888, Longitude: 135.5083316

comentarios 5

  • tree palm

    tree palm


    When you use a money exchange machine, there are times when the people who are changing money at the store use it over and over again without waiting in line, so the machine is never empty. (At its worst, one person occupied the space for more than 10 minutes.) Some banks have warnings such as ``If there are other customers in line, please change the money twice and then move back in line,'' so I would appreciate it if you could post such a warning.

  • nakata shing

    nakata shing


    I was assisted by a woman named Arimura-san, and I am very grateful to her for being kind enough to consult with me about various things! I went to open an account around 11am on a weekday without a reservation, and there was almost no waiting time. If you're in a hurry, it might be a good idea to make a reservation, as the branch seemed busy.

  • ゆき



    I don't even want to give it a 1. It's my fault because I was doing something complicated in the first place, but I have to wait over 90 minutes as soon as I enter. Is that okay? He said it as if he wanted her to go home. I had taken the day off to go to the bank and today was the only day I had, so I had no choice but to wait.When I told him it was okay, he told me that it seemed like I had made some complicated settings on the internet, and he asked me repeatedly if I could do it another day. When I told him that I would like to do it today if I could, he went to the back and said he would check, but before he could close the door, he was shouting about my situation to someone else. At that point, I decided that this branch was no good, so I told them I was leaving and left. After that, I went to the Senri Chuo branch, and they were very kind and quick to help me. I think there were more customers at the Senri Chuo branch. It's my fault for acting in such a complicated way, but what do you think of the attitude of the receptionist, who is the face of the bank? The people at the Senri Chuo Branch were very comfortable and I felt like I wanted to leave everything to them, starting from the receptionist. I know it's unfair to compare, but the receptionist at Minamisenri was really unpleasant. If you don't know, why not tell the head office to quit using the service that allows you to make changes online? I want people to understand that there are some people who can't go to a bank that easily. It was really unpleasant.

  • H H

    H H


    I went to change the address of my account, etc., and thanks to the person who helped me, they suggested closing the unused account, moving the remaining deposits, etc., and I was able to get a new cash card. I was also able to make one. They were kind and polite, so I was able to go through the process with peace of mind. I'm really thankful to you. Most of them seem kind and easy to talk to.

  • 古土居誠



    In the past, there were only Yamato Bank (Resona) and Ikeda Bank in Minamisenri, and Sumitomo Bank was only established much later. The former Taiyo Kobe Bank and the former Sanwa Bank have never opened a branch. Although Minamisenri Station seems to have a large number of passengers, I don't think the market was big enough for megabanks to focus on. In that sense, the former Daiwa Bank and the former Ikeda Bank are enough for the market. Sumitomo Mitsui has already opened a store, so I can't take it lightly, but I also don't want to put too much effort into it. Maybe that's what it feels like.

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