Japan Post Bank Ibaraki Branch en Ibaraki

JapónJapan Post Bank Ibaraki Branch



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-1-40 Nakahozumi, Ibaraki, Osaka 567-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 570-061-657
sitio web: map.japanpost.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8153215, Longitude: 135.5578577

comentarios 5

  • J laraine

    J laraine


    The service is so bad that I don't want to give even one star. I went there to open an account for my child, but was told that it was by appointment only and that I couldn't do it on the spot. Although it is not listed anywhere on Japan Post's website and there are no people lining up, there is a rule only here that opening an account requires a reservation, which takes a long time because it is very busy. All the staff seemed to be bored, and the atmosphere was eerily dark. I'm stunned. I can't believe such people and such services still exist in this day and age! The procedure itself took 15 minutes when I went to the Japan Post Bank in Ibaraki City Hall. It was nice to be kind to children. I'm not going here anymore. It's the worst.

  • Paci fic

    Paci fic


    I went there to open bank account by booking from website . The process is very slow it’s take around 3 hour to creat only account.the staff also don’t know about new method.there is a also lake of staff many people were waiting for long time.staff are rude.

  • 池田い



    Ibaraki City Central Post Office Located at the intersection of Expo Road and Industrial Road (commonly known as) This intersection has no crosswalk and is a pedestrian bridge, so visiting it as a pedestrian is a bit complicated, regardless of whether you are visiting by car. I think the counter has a clear separation between mail and savings, making it easy to understand.

  • 北村憲市



    Due to the current coronavirus situation, redelivery can only be received until 7pm. This is very inconvenient for people who cannot pick up their parcels at home during the day. Until now, it was possible to receive items 24 hours a day, but I would like to be able to receive them by at least 10pm.

  • 山田浩史



    Luggage collection is available 24 hours a day. There is only limited lighting in the parking lot, so it is dark at night and inconvenient.

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