SKY GARDEN 300 en Osaka




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Japan, 〒545-0052 Osaka, Abeno Ward, Abenosuji, 1-chōme−1−43 あべのハルカス 58階
contactos teléfono: +81 6-4399-9181
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6462562, Longitude: 135.5131301

comentarios 5

  • Bee Chuan New

    Bee Chuan New


    Very nice place to visit when you are in Japan is very good. Food is OK.

  • Tommy Chen

    Tommy Chen


    Nice cafe with indoor and outdoor seating in the Harukas 300. The prices are higher but not outrageous for a tourist attraction. We went in the evening and the line got pretty long. Service is relatively fast and friendly. It was pretty nice to enjoy a drink and snack while watching the cool projects they put on in the open space.

  • Tony Kandie

    Tony Kandie


    It's a good cafe and small bites joint, just below the observation deck. It has great views of osaka. I good place to chill and taking the sights. We heard the mixed fruit juice and ice tea they were but good.

  • mOjO jOjO

    mOjO jOjO


    Had the Loco Moco beef rice bowl and mixed fruit juice. Both were very good, although you pay a premium for the views. Go at dusk, grab a good table and enjoy the sunset followed by the city lights.

  • Jason Hung

    Jason Hung


    Good cafe for tourist while visiting Abeno Harukas 300. Dine with breathtaking views. Limited menu choices. Most ingredients are prepared ahead of time, so it doesn't tasted like fresh made (due to kitchen limitation I guess). Still okay for resting your feet if you're tire from your trip.

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