Doremi en Osaka




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Japan, 〒556-0002 Osaka, Naniwa Ward, Ebisuhigashi, 1-chōme−18−8 喫茶ドレミ
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6643-6076
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.6524924, Longitude: 135.5060882

comentarios 5

  • Bogota Joe

    Bogota Joe


    Under the Tsutenkaku Tower we decided to rest. Got shaved ice which not shaved but crushed and banana float a watery milkshake with banana cream and ice cream underneath.

  • Pug Nacia

    Pug Nacia


    On our first day in Osaka, we went to the tower and I saw the display of "Doremi". We immediately got in line and got in pretty quickly. The service was very good and fast. I had a sandwich with fruit for the first time in my life and I highly recommend it. It was delicious and beautifully prepared. We also had the pancakes with cream and a melon drink. Everything looked great and tasted excellent. Thank you for this wonderful experience! ☺️

  • Chairuk B

    Chairuk B


    Smoking place, I’d fried rice and spaghetthi. The foods are average. But but but the pancake is the worst. Dull hard no moisture pancake served with cheap butter. Not recommend.

  • DJ Tora

    DJ Tora


    Chance upon this quaint retro tea room. The sandwiches was good even if a simple one & surprisingly filling. Got the melon soda as well. Owner is friendly & can speak good English. The customers are mostly local & so friendly. Would visit again if I’m in the vicinity in the future. One of few places that allow smoking. You may want to avoid if you’re sensitive to smoke.

  • Umr At-Tawil (永遠 に生きる者)

    Umr At-Tawil (永遠 に生きる者)


    Nice bar, staff are 3 cute old mens, puffet of fruit are delicious and amazing, price is standar, and service is very faster. Just the weak point is, other coffe shops of Showa style have better decorarion.

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