Sistina in Yokkaichi




🕗 öffnungszeiten

771-1 Higashiakuragawa, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0805, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 59-333-1131
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9820791, Longitude: 136.6198523

kommentare 5

  • 川崎東香



    All-you-can-eat on weekdays, I clean up quickly, and if I don't drink the entire cup, even if it's only 1 out of 6, I get charged for it, and I rush to eat quickly. The other side that is eating comes to take down the bowl. I also like the staff's response.




    I had a course meal. The grape juice has a good balance of sourness and sweetness and a pleasant aroma. There were many kinds of appetizers on one plate, and the various flavors were enjoyable for the eyes. The fish and meat dishes were also delicately seasoned. The sweetness of the dessert was just right. Even though I don't eat much, it was delicious and I was able to eat a lot and was very satisfied. I also liked the quiet atmosphere of the store.

  • 合同会社iyコーギー



    Of course the food was delicious, The creative dishes are visually pleasing as well. I chose a course with a smaller number of items because I tend to get full halfway through a course meal, but it was still more than enough to satisfy me. The staff at the store, both over the phone and on the day of the reservation, were very courteous. Since this day was our anniversary, we also received a congratulatory message on the dessert plate, and we had a wonderful time. I would like to visit you again.

  • Chan Kooba

    Chan Kooba


    I used it for dinner for the first time on Christmas. The inside of the store is small and has a quiet atmosphere. Is there a space between the menus? I enjoyed the meal and conversation more slowly than usual. It was my first time to go to a high-end Italian restaurant, and the staff taught me about Italian table manners (lol), which was interesting. The bread and appetizers are delicious, and I'm still waiting for the main dish. I received it with excitement. Personally, pasta rigatoni with rich shrimp sauce? It was absolutely delicious. Fitchini next door is also delicious. You can choose the cake, and it comes in a cart like every time (lol) My partner seemed to like the panna cotta. The bottleneck is that it's a little expensive, but I'm satisfied! Thank you for the meal.

  • 智美



    It was a really nice shop✨ I am very satisfied with everything from the staff's service to the food. I had a wonderful and relaxing time.

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