Ebisuya in Yokkaichi




🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-7 Hinaga, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0885, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 59-345-5511
webseite: www.r-ebisuya.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.9529847, Longitude: 136.6106366

kommentare 5

  • 森下太智



    Kokuichi ramen set meal Rich and spicy garlic flavored ramen It also contains a lot of vegetables such as Chinese cabbage and chives. Ramen with rice A large serving of green onions and bean sauce? Comes on a separate plate, so add toppings as you like Of course I added all the green onions. The staff are energetic and have a pleasant customer service. 2023/10 salt ginger ramen The flavor of the pork belly and the flavor of the ginger are very good. It's hot because of the sauce, but it's delicious. 2023/11 Ankake Bali soba This one item will fill you up The crispy noodles go well with the azatu gomoku bean paste. It has a strong seasoning so you can enjoy it deliciously. 2023/12 vegetable ramen Well-balanced ramen with plenty of vegetables I feel less guilty 2024/1 Shichifukudon The spicy sauce accelerates the rice. You can get both vegetables and meat in one dish, and it tastes good. Mapo rice It's spicy and has a slight garlic flavor, making it delicious. Town Chinese mapo rice 2024/5 Kaiko meal There is fried chicken in the Chinese bowl I can get vegetables and I can get meat. A delightful dish

  • るる



    First time passing by the person sitting next to me A big plate of udon noodles? I was eating something like that. What kind of menu is that? Kaiko rice and Ogikubo Ramen Kaiko rice tasted like soy sauce-flavored Chinese rice. It was delicious

  • S. J.J

    S. J.J


    The dumplings were good!

  • Nic Tak (NicTak)

    Nic Tak (NicTak)


    Awesome place. It's always a great pleasure to dine in a location that really understands Ramen. Great job.

  • Jessica Yamaguchi

    Jessica Yamaguchi


    Super gigantic portions and great taste.

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