水了軒 紀ノ川SA(上り) w Wakayama

Japonia水了軒 紀ノ川SA(上り)



🕗 godziny otwarcia

744-1 Kitano, Wakayama, 649-6331, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 73-461-8861
strona internetowej: www.w-suiryoken.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.2756343, Longitude: 135.2496597

komentarze 5

  • dragon III

    dragon III


    I had it because it was lunch time during my break. I don't like to use food courts in SA, so these restaurants are a bit expensive, but I feel comfortable. I posted it while I was sorting out the images.

  • まるまるまる



    Restaurant in service area. I was surprised at how quickly it was delivered! You can eat more calmly than at the food court.

  • ゆゆっこん



    This was my first time using this restaurant as I am not good at reserving seats at food courts. The rotation was good and the turn came quickly. The staff's operation is also great and they come right away to refill the water. Wakayama ramen and shirasu bowl were delicious. I would like to use it again. The price is not high either. Soft drinks are cheap.

  • スナメガネ



    I had "Shinpei's Curry" from the limited-time collaboration menu of "Summer Time Renda" with Wakayama City. (Original work? I haven't read it...) I was told that it would take some time to submit the meal ticket. (Perhaps it's time to fry the chicken thighs) The finished curry has a huge volume. The rice is large and filling. The most important curry was also delicious, with the fried chicken thighs and crispy green peppers going perfectly together. The fried chicken thighs had a good seasoning and were so delicious that I wanted to eat them as a bowl on their own. It has a strange taste and comes with Nanko plum pickled in JA Kishu honey. I'm very satisfied with the price of 1000 yen for this volume with a sticker. I'm full.

  • 暗黒星人



    From January to July 2023, you can eat "Shinpei Curry" during summer time. 1000 yen with tide sticker. It's a lot bigger than I expected, the taste is definitely good, and it even comes with a sticker, so I think it's a good deal for 1,000 yen. It was delicious.

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