Shokusenkan Taiyo, Miho i Shizuoka

JapanShokusenkan Taiyo, Miho



🕗 åbningstider

16-5 Mihomatsubarachō, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0908, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-335-1321
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.995299, Longitude: 138.5162717

kommentar 5

  • relax goisu

    relax goisu


    It feels like there are fewer products than other stores (freshly baked bread, etc.), but it's not too big and it's easy to shop. Vegetables are cheap on Tuesdays and Wednesdays even if they are not listed on the leaflet. I try to buy my vegetables here.

  • みやけ・



    Stores where you can't use PayPay but can use a garbage app called au Pay. Shouldn't it be possible to use PayPay?

  • Am mA

    Am mA


    I used to work at a supermarket. It's cheap. I think it's a good store. I have no complaints about the selection of products. Customer service is also good. I think it would be fun if there was a more exciting sales floor.

  • Hiro M

    Hiro M


    The parking lot is large. It's easy to get in and out from the road. When I looked at the local customers, the staff were friendly.

  • pooch m

    pooch m


    The lady at the cash register was very courteous! The lighting is good and the color of the meat looks beautiful. There was one unfortunate thing. The door leading to the back room smelled like a pachinko parlor from 30 years ago, and it was very unpleasant!

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