Fujiya i Shizuoka




🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-5-50 Senachūō, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0916, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-261-6195
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.010014, Longitude: 138.4227113

kommentar 5

  • 杉田薫



    I think meat, fruits and vegetables, and fresh fish are all very good. It has a wide range of products and is very convenient.

  • はっぱ



    When I went there at night, it was noisy with young men and women talking loudly about things other than work. Even though I'm at work, I'm doing my own shopping, and I'm leaning over where I'm packing my bags. Isn't there anyone to pay attention to?

  • 加藤忠宏



    Fresh food is plentiful and prices are reasonable. I bought canned coffee and canned peaches. Cashless payment is delayed and major cashless payment methods cannot be used. The aisles are wide and easy to shop.

  • 20



    A takeout specialty store located on the premises of Fujiya Sena store. A shop with soft serve ice cream🍦, taiyaki, takoyaki🐙, shaved ice🍧, and yakitori. This is a shop frequented by an uncle who loves yakitori🎵 I come by once a week to buy yakitori for alcohol. A skewer starts at 80 yen and comes with salt and sauce, and if you order it, it will be grilled again so you can enjoy it piping hot. If you're looking for the taste that an old man likes, you'll hit the jackpot when the chef grills it, with just the right amount of salt and pepper. Even when the chef is not present, if you ask for extra salt and pepper, he will gladly accommodate you. I'm lucky when I have Shishi Karayaki😃💕, and I personally think it would be even better if I had salted gizzard. The price is also reasonable and good value.

  • Hasham Babar

    Hasham Babar


    Pretty decent supermarket. I can do my daily shopping there without much issues and the staff are helpful even with my minimal amount of japanese

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