したしみの宿 東栄館 in Shibata

Japanしたしみの宿 東栄館


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552-2 Tsukiokaonsen, Shibata, Niigata 959-2338, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 254-32-2711
webseite: www.toueikan.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.880849, Longitude: 139.3084133

kommentare 5

  • natsu “なつ”

    natsu “なつ”


    I used it at a day trip hot spring. I was asked to use the service for one hour, so I hurriedly dried my hair, but there was no one at the reception desk. ? It doesn't seem like the time was being measured. Since it was a weekday morning, there was no one else around, so I was able to enjoy the luxurious hot springs by myself. The facility was very clean and had a retro feel, but it was also very clean and comfortable. There are also plenty of amenities. The hot water was emerald green and my whole body became slippery and my skin became beautiful. I want to go again. I'm very satisfied.

  • 夜舟



    When I used the hot spring in the past, the front desk staff told me, ``Please use it within an hour,'' so I thought it was a guest-first hotel, so I decided to stay there. 【It was good point】 ・Very polite pick-up and drop-off (we even had our luggage carried to our room) ・The tea and sweets are luxurious and ready for you to enjoy coffee in your room. ・Both dinner and breakfast are delicious. ・Nicely renovated ・Mini towels are provided for bathing almost 24 hours a day. ・There is only one Nakai who has excellent customer service [Problems] ・Parking lot is far away ・Even though I was warming up the room, cold air was coming in from the window, and the whole room was cold. [Unfortunate points] ・While being shown to my room, I was persistently told over and over again, ``Please finish your morning bath by 10 o'clock, as there will be cleaning to do.'' ・When deciding the time for breakfast, I was told, ``I want to clean up by 9:00, so please choose a time when you can finish breakfast by then.'' ・Personal belongings of a previous guest were discovered in the pocket of a yukata jacket. ・There are some areas where dust has gathered due to lack of thorough cleaning. ・The dining area is very small and food is served quickly so hot food gets cold quickly. ・The customer service of everyone except one person is unpleasant. I was told to take my time, or rather, to act quickly in accordance with the arrangements for the accommodation, so I was not able to take my time at all. It might be perfect for those who want to feel like they're on a school trip. Even if you ignore the above, it's a bit scary to think that you haven't changed the haori yet...I wonder how many other items there are that have been reused by previous customers. There are too many accommodations in Tsukioka Onsen.

  • 鄭文昌



    Super slippery spring quality (after soaking in hundreds of hot springs, this one can be ranked in the top three) It has a strong sulfur smell, but it feels like beauty soup when soaked in it. Highly recommended. The Rikiri bath is a super large room with good air flow and not too stuffy. It comes with shampoo, shower gel, towels and other items. After it was over, the boss was very enthusiastic and said that he could go to Dazhong Hot Spring. I was really touched. There is a supermarket next to the hotel, which is a plus. Finally, I really want to thank the boss. In the snowy weather, he drove from the hotel to Tsukioka Station to pick us up because we took the wrong bus (there is a shuttle bus for Tsukioka Onsen). You must know that we are just ordinary users of Renikiri Onsen. I'm not a hotel guest yet. To be honest, the round-trip taxi fare is enough to use the hot springs. However, the boss is generous and doesn't charge for it. I really feel the strong Japanese service style. It's a pity that I didn't make a reservation for dinner in advance. I will definitely visit again next time.

  • Claire + Sean

    Claire + Sean


    ¥1000 for a bathe. It’s got two baths. One outside, one inside. Great sulphurous water. Water wasn’t over hot. Just right.

  • Danny Tryon

    Danny Tryon


    We came here for the onsen. It had a single bath, but it was peaceful and, best of all, tattoo friendly.

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