Murakamikan Yuden in Shibata

JapanMurakamikan Yuden


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230 Tsukiokaonsen, Shibata, Niigata 959-2338, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 254-32-2231
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.878718, Longitude: 139.311829

kommentare 5

  • せいじ



    It's pure Japanese style. First of all, the hot water from the bath has carbide in it, so the faucet looks like charcoal and makes your skin smooth! There is also a sauna. There were few cosmetics at Aminite, and the dinner was delicious with local produce. Last night I only had one futon, so I borrowed a blanket and slept comfortably. It's hot during the day but cold at night. I went home feeling good.

  • Gがちゃぴん



    The room is not bad. A normal room that did not exceed expectations. The food probably depended on the price, but it didn't exceed my expectations. The bad thing is the front desk response. The attitude of the young male staff is the worst. Even if it's a hot spring inn in the countryside, it's the lowest service a hotel manager can provide. Your language and attitude are embarrassing, so you're not suitable for front desk work where you have to serve customers, so wouldn't it be better to concentrate on backstage work where you don't have to meet guests? I suspect. If you can only check out from 8am, you should definitely check when checking in. I'll never go there again, so it doesn't matter, but it made me feel uncomfortable.

  • Livvy Tan

    Livvy Tan


    Forget about staying in Niigata, drive 20mins to this beautiful quaint onsen town for overnight. Lovely Inn at reasonable price for one night stay (half board). Meals are simple but use quality premium ingredients. Staff are very nice with a warm smile. Converse in simple English, which is helpful. The room is simple and clean. Pleasant environment. Has their own private parking. You have to try their onsen. Water quality is superior, and skin becomes soft and silky after soak. I'm here for a night and have visited onsen public bath five times! Simply can not get enough of it. There are also two private onsen which you can reserve for a fee. WiFi reception is not good. Make sure you have your own roaming.

  • clifford lobberegt

    clifford lobberegt


    Off the beaten track. This area was once a popular hot springs. Now many "Onsens" are closed up and have fallen into disrepair. Some of the large, high end establishments are still operating and are very expensive. Some smaller ones, are being renovated and brought back to life. Murikami-man had very nice baths, accommodations, GREAT food and service.

  • Lothar Blauert

    Lothar Blauert


    Rooms are ok and the bath isn't too big, but the Onsen water in Tsukioka is silky smooth. It has a nice sulphur smell to it. Food is your typical Japanese Kaiseki style you get at these Onsen Ryokans. Nothing to write home about though. Overall good, but probably won't come back.

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