食事処 鐘庵 小笠PA下り en Kakegawa

Japón食事処 鐘庵 小笠PA下り



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241-1 Shimomata, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0025, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 537-21-3453
sitio web: sapa.c-nexco.co.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7602582, Longitude: 138.0034641

comentarios 5

  • チャロチャロ



    The time from ordering to completion is quick. All-you-can-eat curry is reasonably priced when you want to satisfy your hunger. The taste is usually delicious. It's the best parking food.

  • こうじ



    I've always loved Shonan's Sakura shrimp kakiage and warm soba set. Since I live in Nagoya, I have visited the restaurant in Aichi Prefecture many times, but for some reason I was never satisfied, so I always took the expressway to Shizuoka Prefecture to eat. One day when I stopped by Ogasa PA, I was surprised to see that Kanean was a tenant there, but this store always has consistently delicious food, and I often use the Tomei Expressway, so now I go down to Ogasa PA. I have decided to only use Shonan. I don't really feel the flavor or aroma of the soup stock made from bonito flakes or other ingredients being particularly strong, but for some reason, once I put the soup from Shōan in my mouth, I just want to keep drinking it, and the sakura shrimp kakiage is crispy and easy to eat. I can't really explain how adding it to soup makes you want to drink it even more, but it's really delicious. I would be grateful if Kaneian in Aichi Prefecture were close by if the food was consistently delicious and if the customer service was as pleasant as the store in Shizuoka Prefecture. I used it from last Friday, June 7th to today, Monday, June 10th, and today I ate two of the Sakura Shrimp Kakiage and Hot Soba Set, so I was full.

  • 焼酎芋



    I stopped by for lunch while traveling on the highway. I was drawn to the ``Chilled Sakura Shrimp Udon'' (¥840 tax included) because I was drawn to the word ``Sakura Shrimp.'' The Sakura shrimp tempura was very crispy and delicious. I dipped it in the soup halfway through to soften it and ate it, but it was also delicious. The udon was also smooth and chewy, perfect for cold and delicious. However, it may have been a coincidence, but it was hot inside the restaurant, so I ordered some cold udon noodles, but it was way too hot for me.

  • 姓名



    I ordered tuna bowl and all-you-can-eat curry for 1,000 yen. The tuna was a pickled rice bowl. It was delicious. It's better to think of curry as just a service. I felt like it lacked a bit of richness. But I'm satisfied!

  • y_ ma

    y_ ma


    Next door PA Fujinoya will open from December 8th? Breakfast set meal...disappointing amount I hope the curry is delicious. The curry has the flavor of a typical chain restaurant, but the appeal is that you can eat as much as you like. Of course, you can have free refills of rice❣️ Are the mixed fries a frozen product with a thick coating? I'm worried about my stomach feeling a little heavy... The rice bowls are all-you-can-eat curry, but I wonder if they'll lend me the utensils? You can use a rice bowl for the set meal, but...

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