Funny Farm en Kakegawa

JapónFunny Farm



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Japan, 〒436-0077 Shizuoka, Kakegawa, Ekimae, 7−20 ウィタス138内
contactos teléfono: +81 537-62-0818
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7710389, Longitude: 138.0154966

comentarios 5

  • りこ



    Kakegawa's first live performance. I did some research beforehand. I was surprised at how luxurious the salad bar was, so much so that I thought it was the main dish! Enjoying Kakegawa🍺 for the first time~ It was delicious. It was a shop I would like to visit again if I have the chance✨

  • 滝口裕美



    It was next to a commercial supermarket just outside Kakegawa Station. How many people are you looking at? I was asked, so I went straight into the store. Choose your main dish from 5 types, and it comes with a salad bar and soft drink. If you want to eat cake too, you can do that by adding an extra. This salad bar was served by the staff and it was very delicious. For some reason, I'm satisfied with just a salad. Of course, you can have it replaced. There were also some different dressings.

  • kazy “jasmine”

    kazy “jasmine”


    I went to Kakegawa for business, so I looked for a restaurant for lunch, but even though it was right in front of the station (north exit), there wasn't one. Even if there were, most of the shops were closed in the evening (Saturday). As I was walking around wondering what was going on, I found this shop. This was good. As the name suggests, the vegetables are abundant and delicious. For lunch, you choose a main dish, then add a salad and a drink, or add a dessert to your set. Of course, we also included dessert, and the main dish was pork rice. My companion had prosciutto pizza. First, I went to the counter to have my salad served. There are a variety of vegetables and vegetable dishes to choose from. There are grilled vegetables, pickled vegetables, nuts, olives, white fish and potatoes, aglio olio, and so much more, all of which are delicious and make me happy. Plus, you can get refills on the salad. The first time they served me so much that I couldn't get a refill, but it was really delicious. The soup is packed with the sweetness and aroma of vegetables, so you can drink it as much as you want. The pork rice has a nice star anise aroma and has plenty of meat. The prosciutto pizza is also loaded with vegetables. I also tried two types of Kakegawa Craft Beer, and they had completely different tastes; one had a coconut scent, was sweet, and had a slightly thick texture, and the other had a refreshing aroma. was delicious. Desserts are also homemade and delicious. The cheesecake version costs an extra 100 yen, but I chose the Gorgonzola cheesecake because it looked delicious. It was rich and the cheese was very thick and delicious. They also have a variety of muffins and clafoutis. The set also comes with a soft drink, so I chose hot coffee. It was rich and went well with the cake. There are also juices and fruit teas. All the staff are very nice and the atmosphere is relaxed. The flowing air soothes you. That's why I feel comfortable. Maybe that's why, when I looked around, everyone was staying there for a long time. A store I would like to visit again. About 2 minutes walk from the north exit of Kakegawa Station.

  • Joe Emmert

    Joe Emmert


    Stopping in Kakegawa for lunch, how can you not try a place with the name "Funny Farm"? The dining area (much larger than I expected) was full to capacity, so there was a brief wait, but it was so worth it. I came in with zero expectations and was amazed at the quality and quantity of the food. The salad was quite possibly the best I've ever had. The pizza was much larger than I imagined, but it was so good I had to eat every bite. Thank you so much for a tasty and relaxing meal.

  • Jon Bower

    Jon Bower


    Cute cafe with cute staff to match! Got here a bit too early for lunch but had a look at the menu and would have loved to come back if we had more time. Excellent coffee!

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