Shirunashi Dan Dan Noodle KISAKU in Hiroshima

JapanShirunashi Dan Dan Noodle KISAKU



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Japan, 〒730-0845 Hiroshima, Naka Ward, Funairikawaguchichō, 5−13 佐々木ビル
kontakte telefon: +81 82-231-0317
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.3822801, Longitude: 132.4408454

kommentare 5

  • wa o

    wa o


    It's said to be the birthplace of soupless dandan noodles, and the atmosphere inside is quite exciting. I thought it would be spicy, so I asked for half the spiciness, but since the spiciness of the Japanese pepper was the main flavor, I felt that regular spiciness would have been fine. The taste has a strong seafood flavor, and the taste is quite different from the soupless dandan noodles that are popular these days.

  • MR. FAT

    MR. FAT


    It is famous as the restaurant that popularized soupless dandan noodles. However, the inside of the store is dimly lit and cannot be described as clean, and the staff's response is a bit confusing. The taste was delicious, but I was concerned that the noodles were lumpy.

  • io koa

    io koa


    It is the origin of Hiroshima B-class gourmet soupless tandan noodles, and I think it is the perfect product (personally) I like Dandan noodles without soup, so I've eaten them in many places, but many restaurants have seasonings that you can add to your taste, such as sansho pepper or sauce, and I feel like the more you add them, the more the balance of flavor gets disrupted. Masu. At Kisaku, only sliced ​​chili peppers and black vinegar are placed on the table, so basically we just taste the default. I like the balance of spiciness and numbness, as well as the flavor of the sauce. ⚪︎Spiciness (normal for me is just right) The person sitting next to me seemed to be trying it for the first time, and said, ``Normal is painful!'' ⚪︎For rice, buy a ticket and prepare it yourself. ⚪︎There are several dedicated parking spaces in the back of the coin parking lot next door.

  • Brie B

    Brie B


    Good noodles with nice spice and flavor, but the shop needs a good cleaning! I would visit again despite it.

  • Lyn



    Place is not pleasing to visit.. its so messy 😞 and dirty But their tantanmen is good👌.. how I wish they will clean up their place .. it should be clean and pleasant for customers ..despite of its dirtiness people still visit and eat there 😱shockingly but truth!!!

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