Shiodahirofumi Dental Clinic en Tanagura

JapónShiodahirofumi Dental Clinic


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Aramachi-52-1 Tanagura, Higashishirakawa District, Fukushima 963-6131, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 247-33-6483
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.033008, Longitude: 140.385389

comentarios 5

  • 久きち



  • みっちゃん



    Poor reception. Be careful of your speaking accent! ️ The reception is the face! ! Don't forget

  • ビタミンミネラル



    When I went there a few years ago, was the teacher washing his hands? I was curious about that. I put my hand in what looked like disinfectant, then poured tap water on it for a moment, and then went on to examine another patient. The disposable gloves didn't seem to be replaced either.

  • 森美恵子



    It's a very thorough examination, and I think the price is cheaper than others. I can make an appointment in about 3 days, and it doesn't take a long time to heal completely, which is very helpful. The teachers and staff are all very loving and kind. He has published many books, holds seminars nationwide, and seems to be providing guidance. I thought he was very good at it.

  • 彦星くん織姫ちゃん



    The receptionist's attitude is the worst

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