Shinwaen w Aso




🕗 godziny otwarcia

1354 Uchinomaki, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2301, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 967-32-0330
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.973124, Longitude: 131.045217

komentarze 5

  • P. A.

    P. A.


    We had an exceptional stay. Gratitude to the entire staff for their generous and kind assistance. The outdoor onsen is fantastic, and the breakfast/dinner is truly delightful. While they primarily speak Japanese, Google Translate proved helpful. They didn’t have shuttle bus or car services. But if you have time, you can take a local bus from Aso station or get a taxi. I took a taxi from Aso station to the hotel. The taxi driver in this town was very friendly to the tourists.

  • J S

    J S


    Staff were very accommodating as we spoke english. Indoor baths are spacious and private. Breakfast was a spread of homemade dishes and dinner was a 13 course meal. We really enjoyed our stay here and they even helped us get taxi when we needed to get to aso station with luggages. 10/10 would recommend




    The customer service was very bad. Everything is in a rush while we supposed to come here to enjoy slow pace life. My husband and I speak Cantonese and English and we were greeted by a lady who spoke Mandarin. She is super loud and speaks very fast. We haven’t even took off our shoes before we can enter into the dining place and she already started talking about details of the dinner. The next day we are going out and she insisted she would come to give us fresh towels right after our breakfast, while we told her she have the entire afternoon to do so and can go into our room: She knocked our door very loud and shouting outside right after our breakfast. We informed the ryokan that we want dinner at 7pm (they gave us option of 6pm or 7pm). Upon arrival, this lady kind of trying very hard to make us do the dinner at 6pm. She rushed into our dining room every time with loud voice. This lady also called us during day time whether she can go into our room. I have never encountered ryokan that would call the guests multiple times during their day trip. Onsen is not hot in the morning we checked out. It made us wonder if they were trying to push us leave early.

  • Jae Lee

    Jae Lee


    Everything is pretty good here. Courteous staffs, superb rotenburo outdoor hot springs, indoor onsen is fine as well, foods are pretty good. they even have a small library full of mangas, magazines and dvds for the customers to freely enjoy. All in all, the outstanding service quality of highly experienced staffs is what makes the quality ryokan, and Sinwaen is doing it well under par. I highly recommend this place.

  • Matthias I. Lambrecht

    Matthias I. Lambrecht


    One of the best ryokan experiences we've had after many years in Japan. Great seasonal food, relaxing hot springs and all in all friendly and forthcoming staff. Greatly recommended!

najbliższy Kwatera

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