Guesthouse Asobi Gokoro w Aso

JaponiaGuesthouse Asobi Gokoro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

211 Kurokawa, Aso, Kumamoto 869-2225, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 80-9066-4599
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.9355142, Longitude: 131.0654777

komentarze 5

  • Jesse Fleischmann

    Jesse Fleischmann


    Having only a one night stay, my friend and I were looking to quickly get a grasp of the Aso-area. I am sure we could not have chosen any better stay to do so. Despite arriving fairly late, Yoshi still personally welcomed us with a bonfire and a delicious cup of corn tea. Moreover, he also provided us with a hand-drawn map with all local highlights, restaurants, onsen, viewpoints etc. Trust me, you want to check all of them out! The shared space downstairs in the ‘accommodation building’ includes a kitchen and there are 4 bikes available for free. The ‘outside area’ includes a small caravan in which you can relax when it is cold outside, a seating area inside a tent and a bonfire place that can also be used for barbecuing. Yoshi, thank you for the stay! We had a great time. I’m happy to say that our stay in Aso was the highlight of our Japan trip by far!

  • Reyes Teo

    Reyes Teo


    Had a very great time at Yoshi San’s place. He was the best host on our entire Kyushu trip, and his hospitality made the stay even better. When we first arrived, he gave us a detailed hand drawn map and explained to us the places to visit and things to do in Aso. He also provided us with a Shichirin BBQ and Bonfire in the cold weather, which was a great first experience for my family. In the mornings, he provided drip coffee and tea. Besides these, he sold tickets to the onsens nearby for a cheaper price, as well as had a shochu tasting bar, at an unbelievable all you can drink price of 600 Yen per person. Needless to say we throughly enjoyed staying at Asobigokoro! ありがとうございます!

  • The101player



    I am the son of the Singaporean family who went here with some Japanese colleagues. Since they’re most likely not gonna write a review, I thought I should, given how great of an experience it was. When we arrived, the first thing we were treated to was some local Aso corn tea. As we enjoyed the tea, Mr. Yoshi (his nickname) was giving us some helpful tips of nearby places we should go to, like restaurants, convenience stores, and even stargazing spots which we went and saw shooting stars. I still somehow have the hand drawn map he gave us. He also showed his “mishirin”guide (roughly translated, I Don’t Know Guide, pun for Michelin guide) where he recommended some good food from nearby restaurants. His personality was amazing and interesting. He told us stories of how he came to Aso by bike from Hiroshima and what the mountains look like in different seasons. We would see him on the street and he would tell us how we were so lucky to see the shooting stars. On the last day, he treated us to one final coffee and tea before we left. I think this is what was the most defining and memorable factor to the entire stay; his hospitality. And I think anyone else who stayed here can agree with me. Next, the facilities were quite adequate. There are 4 bikes which we used to cycle to see the stars. There is a lot of books that people can freely read without needing to rent or pay for. There is a kitchen and a dining “room” that we used for eating dinner. Plates, cutlery, cups were all provided. Cooking materials like a stove, rice cooker, oven, microwave, pots and pans etc were all provided. Another really useful thing that was provided was chargers and wall plugs. However, the only problem was that there is only toilet and shower. We had to “fight” for the toilet, and someone jokingly said that we should “plan which intervals of timings to use the toilet”. Not a huge deal for us though, as we just took turns at night and in the morning. Onto the rooms. They are quite spacious and comfortable. The smaller ones have bed frames and the larger ones have futons. Tables and lights and provided. No TVs, but not too unexpected. Nothing too special, really. Except that the steps are quite steep and thin and some people might struggle to get up and down the stairs. Asobi Gokoro also includes something many hostels don’t have: a “lobby” separated from the main house. Now it might not sound too special, but hear me out. In the “lobby”, there is a campfire that Mr. Yoshi lights up every night. Marshmallows are provided. Next to it, a tent filled with card and board games like UNO and mini rugby. Next to that, a camping RV, where there is a bar and a mini lounge, made with camping chairs and equipment. One drink from the bar is ¥400, but the all you can drink is ¥600. (Of course, I did not drink.) This place is where you will “check in”, and it’s only a stones throw away from the main house. An onsen is sandwiched between them. Barbecue stoves are also provided, but it was too cold to have it on the day. The location is relatively good. It’s near the kids zoo Cuddly Dominion and a few bus stops, however there is a slope to climb to reach there. It’s only one bus stop away from Aso station, where many limited express trains do stop. Keep riding the same bus to the end and you’ll reach Kumamoto station, a major interchange for the Shinkansen and the home of Kumamon. All in all, it was a very good experience. If I could, I would go there again. If you still don’t get it, I guess you have to go there yourself and experience it. 😁 (did not take any photos, what a missed opportunity.)

  • Rami DERBEL

    Rami DERBEL


    ONE incident Happen you should be careful about : We booked for having a BBQ in advance, and we was guaranteed to use the space till 23:00. We was really happy, we started at 20:30 but then the manager kept being annoying about the noise the music pretexting that the neighborhood is calm, but all the houses was far from us! It was already really small sound but from 22:00, he literally asked us to turn off the music. Of course from 22:45 he asked us to clean up. He just didn't let us enjoy our time, a barbecue isn't supposed to be silent, it was the weekend and not late in the night, it is natural for people to make noise when they have fun. He shouldn't offer to people to make barbecues if he think it can annoy neighbors! otherwise, The hostel was destroyed by the earthquake in 2016 and has recently reopened when we arrived. In fact, there was no room and we were staying in a big hotel next door. Instead of sleeping in the dormitories we had two rooms just for us. The rooms were large and warm. The spa was excellent.

  • Valtteri Mäki

    Valtteri Mäki


    On our first trip to Japan, this place made an everlasting impression, that was a very good one. The place feels very sincere with its kind residents and staff. We were given a possibility to eat supper with the owner and the staff in a very home made setting, which was a very wonderful experience for me. The place itself is very clean, but a bit raggy, but that can be both a plus or a minus depending on what you like. For me it's a definite plus. If you want something real, this is it.

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