Shimonoseki Station West Washington Hotel Plaza en Shimonoseki

JapónShimonoseki Station West Washington Hotel Plaza


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1-chōme-4-1 Yamatomachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-0067, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 83-261-0410
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Latitude: 33.9495585, Longitude: 130.9207263

comentarios 5

  • Kzy Ishimatsu

    Kzy Ishimatsu


    Clean facility, a little packed but cozy room, decent breakfast for the price overall.

  • Kaley Kisaragi

    Kaley Kisaragi


    Room is clean but it smells absolutely horrible and it doesn't help that the air conditioning doesn't work as promised in their ads. You can't adjust the temperature in any way, it leaves the room feeling humid 24/7. I've stayed at cheaper hotels and haven't had any issues with staying cool and pleasant. Location isn't the best as well. There are no restaurants within a walking distance. If you want a room with a working air conditioner, I suggest you to not choose this hotel.

  • Varote Athikompanich

    Varote Athikompanich


    Standard business hotel. In line with any other hotel chain in Japan. WiFi signal is pretty bad though.

  • Larry Lee

    Larry Lee


    Hotel service was alright but hotel itself is outdated

  • Leo Yeung

    Leo Yeung


    Good deal for a hotel room. Room is a bit small, but clean enough. I drove a Sieta there, but the car park staff said my car was too big for there parking lots. I had to park it somewhere.

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