Hotel Wing International Shimonoseki en Shimonoseki

JapónHotel Wing International Shimonoseki


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3-chōme-11-2 Takezakichō, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 750-0025, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 83-235-2111
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Latitude: 33.9516649, Longitude: 130.9219294

comentarios 5




    This hotel always welcomes you with the best hospitality. I always feel relieved when I come here. Every time, I feel that this is what the staff's heartfelt hospitality, smiles, conversation, and hospitality mean. The food is also very delicious. Highly recommended❗

  • Việt Nguyễn

    Việt Nguyễn



  • Bob Sakai

    Bob Sakai


    Very Good Japanese Restaurant

  • W TF

    W TF


    Staff was friendly. We were on a no-smoking floor (7) but everything smelled like smoke. Beds were somewhat firm, pillows were small (only 2 in the room) and was like sleeping on a rock. Heating/ Air Conditioning was quirky. TV selections were limited to only 5-6 channels and only in Japanese. The TV was small with approximately 30 in screen. Water pressure in the shower was very good and hot. We got the western style breakfast. Scrambled eggs were super runny almost like soup. You had a choice of either coffee or juice. Really? how about both! western style breakfast included soup (I think Miso) and salad. This is not western style. Although, the cost is a good value, I would not come back. Also, if you are on the side of the train station, be prepared to listen to trains arriving and departing. Its loud.

  • Bryan Lui

    Bryan Lui


    Bedding bag quite old & some little stain on wall, but you can't expext too much as really low price

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