Shimodate Post Office in Chikusei

JapanShimodate Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1008 Otsu, Chikusei, Ibaraki 308-8799, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 570-943-535
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 36.3024108, Longitude: 139.9786214

kommentare 5

  • iii m

    iii m


    I went to change the name and address on my bankbook, which I had never used since I got married. The male employee who was in charge was very thorough in his explanations and responded flexibly to the situation! She was a very nice person and made me feel comfortable from beginning to end. The shipping staff also responded with a smile, and I didn't have a bad impression. I will continue to use it ♡

  • Purgatory “Cherry blossoms” 煉獄

    Purgatory “Cherry blossoms” 煉獄


    Complain to the delivery person. It's not impossible for someone who always delivers items from online shopping to me to take advantage of the fact that the front door isn't closed, because they don't like having to redeliver them, and to come in while I'm away, stamp the items, and leave the parcels there. mosquito? If you do it again, I will report you to the police for trespassing.

  • Aqeel M

    Aqeel M


    Very cooperative bank staff ⚕️

  • Mamsy Maria (Ma’am María)

    Mamsy Maria (Ma’am María)


    Poor service Shimodate Post Office. It’s been 3 times that my parcel has not delivered to me as promised. One time my package was sent back to the Philippines. I was upset then but the staff bowed & made apology. The latest, Amidst my busy schedule, I went to Shimodate post office just to pick up my parcel from Amazon but the staff told me that it will be delivered to me on that same day on Saturday from 6:00 ~to 8:00 pm. I’ve been waiting for days, as of this day Tuesday but no any notice or call to confirm delivery. My goodness! Don’t make me upset ! I had lived in Sekimoto before for more than 10 years but I didn’t remember any claims on the post office there. Good service ! & staffs are friendly & helpful.

  • jorge minaya

    jorge minaya



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