Shimizusunpu Clinics i Shizuoka

JapanShimizusunpu Clinics



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17-8 Hitachichō, Shimizu Ward, Shizuoka, 424-0929, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 54-334-2424
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Latitude: 34.9938737, Longitude: 138.4854137

kommentar 5

  • しののめやよい



    I feel like there's a hit or miss between the doctor in charge and the caseworker. There are also nurses who are extremely rude (they don't treat you like a human being). Basically, the eyes of all the people in the hospital are dead. I wonder if the aftercare provided by my doctor and caseworker is not enough?

  • 橋本 すみれのウクレレ部屋

    橋本 すみれのウクレレ部屋


    I was hospitalized here for half a year. I also went to day care. Doctors and nurses don't treat you like a human being. I'm doing my best to go to Morita Hospital, which is far away.

  • ひなた



    The woman at the reception was laughing loudly and chatting, and by the end she was dancing, which was quite unpleasant. The doctor is also very smooth, bossy and overbearing.The worst part is, if you go to a hospital like this, your symptoms will get worse.

  • 鏑木リサ



    I was hospitalized for about a month and a half, but there were a lot of patients with schizophrenia. Even if it can't be helped, the nurses are too cruel. Why are you a nurse, making fun of seriously ill patients? ? This feeling was often felt. I don't want to be hospitalized here again.

  • 岩本百合子



    When I was 27 years old, I was taken to the hospital because I had a fight with my older sister, and the teacher in charge at that time was Dr. Mizukoshi.First of all, he didn't listen to what other people had to say, and the nurse made him take a tranquilizer and he fell asleep, and then Dr. Mizoguchi. Instead, this doctor didn't listen to anyone and said he didn't know the name of my illness, but he made me take 30 pills and drugged me.If I resisted, he called 5 or 6 male nurses over the phone, closed the curtains, and told me to take my pants off. After tearing her bra off, a female nurse and her teacher give her an injection in her arm and keep her in bed for a week so she can't resist laughing so hard. During that time, it didn't seem to happen even once, and another doctor took care of it, and when I noticed it, the date was a week later, which is scary.It's a hospital where you don't know what was going on during that time, and your seniors and friends were also at this hospital. dead

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