Shimamura Dental Clinic en Takatsuki

JapónShimamura Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

15-10 Ōhatachō, Takatsuki, Osaka 569-1144, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 72-695-0080
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8384869, Longitude: 135.5900227

comentarios 5

  • 矢野鈴鹿



    I have no complaints with the dental hygienist or the doctor, but whenever I try to book a regular checkup online, I am always unable to make a reservation. No matter when you open it, every day for the next two months will be marked with an X.

  • なおたろう



    He is a very skilled teacher. Easy to ask questions, polite and kind. The dental hygienists are also very skilled and enthusiastic about teaching you about dental care. I was happy to hear him say, ``Your gums are tighter than before. I can see that you are working hard!'' Reservations are required, there is no waiting time, and the facility is clean and comfortable. It may be a bit off-topic, but when I met the teacher from a distance on the station platform, I was happy to see him give me a quick nod. I would like to continue to receive regular care from now on.

  • 貴之



    I had my wisdom teeth removed. He was a good teacher and I was treated well. I would like to know who is being instructed.

  • yoko #

    yoko #


    Even just a regular checkup is very thorough. I can trust that the hygienist clearly conveys the patient's words to the doctor.

  • あだち。



    The hospital visit was completed quickly and politely. This is my second time in a year, and both times I was nervous and prepared to go to the hospital for about a month, but the first time was twice. The second time was over in one go. My symptoms may have been mild, but I was prepared to go, and I was like, ``What? I don't need to come again!'' (lol) The clinic is clean, and the rooms are divided into semi-private rooms, so you don't have to worry about other patients. I'll be happy to help you again if anything happens.

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