Sakamoto Dental Clinic en Suita

JapónSakamoto Dental Clinic



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5-chōme-32-1 Kishibekita, Suita, Osaka 564-0001, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 6-6368-8880
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7851431, Longitude: 135.5339077

comentarios 5

  • Hendrik Engelbrecht

    Hendrik Engelbrecht


  • くろーばー



    The director's treatment is really good. Anesthetic injections rarely hurt, and tooth extraction doesn't hurt that much either. However, in other cases, it depends on luck and there are cases of severe pain. The reception has a nice atmosphere and it's easy to make reservations. It's true that there were times when my illness went unnoticed and ignored, but I think he's a good dentist as long as he makes a good self-report.

  • yuzu h

    yuzu h


    As others have written, even if the tooth cap comes off, the dental hygienist will put it back on and the doctor will just check it. On days when I was in a bad mood, they didn't even check on me. Moreover, the cover can be removed many times. Even though I went there so many times, cavities were overlooked. It used to be good. terrible

  • y n

    y n


    The children are indebted to us. The reception staff, hygienists, and doctors are all very kind and kind. The teacher is frank and easy to talk to. The waiting room is spacious and the clinic is clean. There are many treatment seats, so you won't have to wait long. The dental hygienist will clean your mouth and the doctor will provide treatment. There is also a children's space inside. At the end of the treatment, the child will receive a toy.

  • 蓮華カノン



    I went in January and got it filled, but it came off in 3 months, so I won't go again because I'll just have to pay for the treatment again. I got a free dental checkup on my birthday month, but when I had the leftovers done the next day, I was charged 2,230 yen, so I wasn't sure. When I had it treated elsewhere, the dentist did it for me, but here, the woman just puts it on and the dentist checks it.

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