Shikairou Chinese Restaurant in Nagasaki

JapanShikairou Chinese Restaurant



🕗 öffnungszeiten

4-5 Matsugaemachi, Nagasaki, 850-0921, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 95-822-1296
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.7364695, Longitude: 129.8698217

kommentare 5

  • Steven Bunner

    Steven Bunner


    After an extensive search for a restaurant in Nagasaki we decided to go Shikairou. Restaurant is on the 5th floor. We had a short wait for a table and got a table by the window. The sun was setting so the blinds were down to keep out the sun. It was a extremely hot day. Food was excellent. Service was also good. So many waiters and waitresses running around like ants. But overall a very pleasant experience.

  • Gavin Chai

    Gavin Chai


    Nagasaki was a port that was opened to foreign trade during Sengoku period and naturally many foreign influence were presence here including the very first Chinese immigrants. Shikairou, also better known in Chinese as 四海楼 was one of the very first establishment of Chinese restaurants here and serving Japanese-Chinese style cuisine. Though I didn't have high expectation here, I still decided to try how different it could taste. We ordered champon noodle, which taste like sweet version of loh mee with a lot of vegetable, then sarauodon which🍲 is like the Japanese version of fried egg noodles served with thick sauce, similar to Cantonese fried or yinyong, or 滑蛋生面. I also ordered a steam chicken for fun to see how different it is and it is really...meh. The noodles were ok but not really Chinese style. There are other usual Chinese dishes like stir fried or cooked food. There were a lot of tourists, both local and foreign and having a name taking queue system with a waiting room. Service was ok, with Chinese style table serving, overlooking the Nagasaki port. Overall a good eye opener to see how Chinese food evolved outside China, taste wise I would probably just rate a 3.5. A once in a lifetime but no next time experience.

  • G



    Chanpon and saraudon are like brothers separated from birth. If you look at these dishes, the ingredients used are exactly the same. Except one is cooked in some seafood broth and another in pork bone soup. This restaurant is spacious and clean. The utensils are clean as well. The staff are courteous and friendly to us foreigners. There is a nice view of the Nagasaki port. I’ll highly recommend the crab omelette (not many crab meat, but very delicious), the sesame dumpling and the saraudon. After this meal I am convinced to buy a pack of instant saraudon as souvenir.

  • Elanne Boake

    Elanne Boake


    Delicious Champon! Was so excited to try it here in Nagasaki for the first time. Noodles were thick, chewy and bouncy. Loved the rich milky broth. Also the view here is spectacular

  • SHUN YU “暴力にゃ長” Cao

    SHUN YU “暴力にゃ長” Cao


    The restaurant adjacent to the Champon Museum in Nagasaki offers a unique dining experience with a breathtaking view. Tourists seeking an immersive culinary adventure will find it worth the wait, despite the long queues averaging an hour. The extensive line attests to its popularity and allure. However, for locals and those seeking a casual dining atmosphere, the extended wait may deter enjoyment. The restaurant itself, while boasting an impressive vista, may not cater to those seeking a quick or familiar meal. Nevertheless, the combination of a satisfying culinary journey and a visit to the informative Champon Museum makes it a worthwhile stop for visitors eager to indulge in both gastronomic delights and historical insights. Just be prepared to invest some time in the queue for a truly memorable experience.

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