Shichijo Onsen Dome w Kikuchi

JaponiaShichijo Onsen Dome



🕗 godziny otwarcia

962-1 林原 七城町 Kikuchi, Kumamoto 861-1343, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 968-26-4800
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 32.9618663, Longitude: 130.7497921

komentarze 5

  • hare runda_y

    hare runda_y


    Adult 430 yen Children 150 yen Open-air bath, walking bath, low frequency, relaxing Full of floating baths, saunas, etc. The water was a nice temperature, not too hot ♨️ There is also a family bath for people with disabilities. There is a massage machine. I was surprised at how old it was. Shoes 100 yen return ceremony Locker 10 yen 7 dryers (made by Panasonic) Rinse-in shampoo and body soap available ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: Destination 📍 Repeat decision 🩷 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️: I want to stop by when I'm nearby ⭐️⭐️⭐️:Normal ⭐️⭐️:I won't go again ⭐️:Worst

  • 寿さん



    Last time it was unavailable due to maintenance, so I came here for revenge. There were a lot of people of all ages from the opening. It's a good bath for a reasonable price. The sauna is also good. Unfortunately, there was an old man who didn't take a silent bath in the sauna. For lunch, I recommend a cult lunch rather than a set meal.

  • Joseph “Joe” Pan

    Joseph “Joe” Pan


    My family stayed one night for the 18000 yen package of the cottage with onsen bathroom and dinner. The services and staffs are very good and helpful.

  • Greg Howes

    Greg Howes


    Great selection of baths, and very cheap. Probably as a result of that it's very popular, so you might want to plan your trip accordingly. Knocked off one star for the ridiculous smoking area in the lobby that's open at the top and bottom. If you go at a busy time the whole lobby smells like an ashtray. If they fixed that it'd be perfect for the price.

  • Chris



    This is a pretty nice onsen. The building is pretty neat. It looks like a castle. The only bad point is the place is usually really busy. It's a very popular onsen.

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