Shiba Post Office en Minato City

JapónShiba Post Office



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-22-5 Nishishinbashi, Minato City, Tokyo 105-8799, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3431-4504
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6628522, Longitude: 139.7519411

comentarios 5

  • やり(haitan)



    It's really helpful that you can accept postal mail until 7pm on weekdays! The person at the reception desk carefully checks each and every mail before storing it, and I get the impression that it arrives faster than other post offices, so I think this is the best place to go if you're going to go there ^ ^

  • 松本ラン



    I searched for a post office that was open until late and stopped by. Other than that, the counter closes at 5pm, which was helpful.

  • 鳴海恵介



    Despite the headquarters The night counter was open until 7pm.

  • N M

    N M


    The man who always answers the phone has a bad attitude. It happens every time, so I can't stand it so I'm posting it here. "Huh...I see," he says in a troubled manner. They keep asking me the same thing over and over again and I don't listen to them. "Oh, that's right," he said. I have no choice but to use this company for work purposes, but I would like him to retire or change personnel as soon as possible. They didn't even come to the requested pickup, and it was difficult to deal with them afterwards. When I inquired later, I was told that there was a problem with the AI. I could forgive him if he always treated me politely, but he doesn't do his job properly and his attitude is too bad, so I would like him to at least change his attitude.

  • #もん



    It's the worst. The woman at the reception measured the thickness of the package in advance, and it was okay, so I bought a Letter Pack envelope, wrote my address on it, and took it to the reception again. Another male receptionist told me that he couldn't pass 3cm, so he refused to let me in. I had to ask the woman to confirm, and I was forced to line up again. It's strange that the standards are different depending on the reception, and in the end, I passed and was accepted, but what are the standards? I want my time back.

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