Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan Building Post Office en Chiyoda City

JapónTokyo Kotsu Kaikan Building Post Office



🕗 horarios

2-chōme-10-1 Yūrakuchō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0006, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5222-3710
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6749107, Longitude: 139.7647059

comentarios 5

  • ながおゆりな



    There are 3 ATMs. Maybe the counter is open.

  • mo



    Postal counter. The lady and the man really don't treat each other well. An attitude from the top that you don't see anywhere else. Regarding the lady, is she hiding her name tag inside out because she is aware that there is a problem with her customer service? If you want to hide your name, what is the name tag for? What kind of education do you provide? Or is this the person in charge of education? Getting old is tough...

  • Satomi Suyama

    Satomi Suyama


    Even during the busy lunch break, it wasn't that crowded, and the staff were prompt and courteous, allowing me to complete my work smoothly. Although the space was small, I was able to unload my luggage, sit and wait, and write documents. Also, the Tokyo Transportation Center was a complicated structure for someone like me who has no sense of direction, but the map of the building was easy to find, so I was able to get there without getting lost. I thought this was the easiest post office to use in this area and the one I wanted to use.

  • ともやん



    I never thought I would write a review for a post office, but the counter here was very kind. It's a crowded place, so be quick so you don't disturb other customers. Please use us again! I was able to finish my errands very comfortably.

  • 黒電話



    A post office located in front of the station. There are two entrances. The size of the post office is not even that large.

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