生鮮市場Bi・an・can in Hamamatsu




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7-32 Aioichō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 430-0805, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 53-468-5113
webseite: www.biancan.co.jp
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7097115, Longitude: 137.7472304

kommentare 5

  • hiro M

    hiro M


    My favorite supermarket in Hamamatsu city. We have vegetables grown in Hamamatsu City and fish caught in Maisaka Port. If you are aiming for sashimi, morning is recommended. Meat is also good. Yet it's cheap. The side dishes are also of high quality. There are some items that are not sold at other supermarkets, such as freshly made tofu brought in from Tenryu, and once you try it, you'll never forget it. I'm glad that it's cheap and accepts credit and QR payments.

  • Winnie ThePooh

    Winnie ThePooh


    Moderate size supermarket with good selection of fruits, vegetables and items expected in a supermarket. Prepared meals and side dishes were very delicious.

  • K Y

    K Y


    The store is located in a secluded area behind the business supermarket. Vegetables, meat, and fresh fish are cheap. We had meat from Hamana 3-chome and seasonal whitebait from Fukuda Port. There are many types of side dishes that are affordable and easy to find. The flavorful stew in the bag was very delicious. Perfect for when you don't want to use a fire or when you just don't have enough of one item. They had a variety of products from local sauce shops and soy sauce shops, and it was fun to look at them because they weren't often found in other supermarkets.

  • 鳥居宏一



    It's located across from Hamamatsu Higashi Police Station, behind the business supermarket and liquor shop. At first glance, it's hard to tell if there's a store from the road. This is a supermarket that sells vegetables, fresh fish, meat, side dishes, lunch boxes, etc. The atmosphere is like a local supermarket. Vegetables are displayed in front of the store. Local vegetables are sold at bargain prices. One cabbage was 50 yen. cheap! The fish and sashimi looked fresh and delicious. The bento box was 298 yen, and I thought it was no problem at all for that price and that amount. The size was just right, making it easy to shop, and the atmosphere was calm, so I thought it was a nice supermarket.

  • Tho Nguyen Duc

    Tho Nguyen Duc


    Best place to buy some foods, price better than others

nächste Supermarkt

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