焼肉ホルモン酒場 大嵐 i Hiroshima

Japan焼肉ホルモン酒場 大嵐



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-6-14 Kōgonaka, Nishi Ward, Hiroshima, 733-0822, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-271-2333
internet side: yakiniku-kougo-dairan.owst.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.3824838, Longitude: 132.413396

kommentar 5

  • こぎ男



    When I went there for the first time in a while ○You cannot order the all-you-can-drink lemon sour unless you order 3 or more items. ○ Ramen is gone ○No lemon for lemon sour However, even taking into account rising prices and labor shortages, this is not a good deal. Bai Li? It's a series, so you can't go wrong.

  • yoshi nkt

    yoshi nkt


    I ordered the usual gari, but it wasn't on the menu, so when I asked for the price, I ordered the usual gari for 390 yen, but it was 790 yen.I thought I had ordered the usual gari for 390 yen, but I made a mistake. No matter where you go, the prices of items may change, so be sure to check the menu before ordering. The opening date and time has also changed.

  • ぽめろん



    I came here because I was drawn to the all-you-can-drink lemon sour. I enjoyed choosing from 4 types of lemon flavor ☻ It's very easy to order using your mobile phone. The store staff will bring it to you right away. I'm glad I was able to eat a little bit of a variety of things~(^^)

  • りぼん



    I visited here because what used to be a ramen restaurant has now become a yakiniku restaurant. The menu was reasonably priced, and the beer was cheap, so I ordered a lot of things. Well, I think it's about the same price. The amount per plate is small. I ordered three servings of skirt steak. Everything else is for one person. The size of the meat is small, so it gets smaller and smaller as it cooks (lol) I ordered "tongue sashimi", but what came out was pork tongue... I ordered the normal size cold noodles, but the volume wasn't that great. My stomach was full, but I still didn't feel satisfied.

  • Craig White

    Craig White


    The ramen is very nice and there's plenty of extras on offer. As it's a ramen restaurant, you have to order your ramen and then add sides if you want them. There are things like gyoza on offer on their own. You order from a machine as you enter the door. There is no English menu, but the pictures make it fairly easy to work out what you're ordering. Important tip... the money goes in first to activate the buttons (I was there for a minute or so just pressing things before I realised). Staff are friendly but they don't speak English. This shouldn't be a problem as you've ordered from the machine. The place is clean and there is plenty of seating. Water is free and the beer is good, but there are not many soft drinks on offer.

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