Hassho Nagarekawa i Hiroshima

JapanHassho Nagarekawa



🕗 åbningstider

8-20 Nagarekawachō, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0028, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 82-243-8400
internet side: hassho-nagarekawa.com
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Latitude: 34.389483, Longitude: 132.463745

kommentar 5

  • 井上あずさ



    When I came to Hiroshima before Enjoying okonomiyaki at Okonomimura without knowing anything I ate it two days in a row. Both restaurants are very delicious. I was fully willing to take care of them this time as well, but my plans forced me to do so and by the time I arrived at Okonomimura, they were already closed. At that time, there was Yasho-san's store nearby, where there was always a line! And it's open until late at night! ! ! I quickly stretched my legs and headed there. It was after 9pm and the restaurant was full. Fortunately, there were two groups waiting and we were shown around relatively quickly. What I ordered was ☑︎Special soba with green onions ☑︎Kimchi platter ☑︎Stewed ponzu sauce First, two things other than okonomiyaki were offered. As for kimchi, both my friend who went with me and I It's probably the most delicious thing I've ever tasted in my life! The more I groaned. It's so deliciously garlicky that you can almost eat a full cup of rice in one bite. For the stewed ponzu sauce, please order plenty of lightly simmered offal and refreshing ponzu sauce. It was so delicious that the alcohol went so well. What is your main preference? It has more cabbage than soba. Although it has a strong flavor Contrary to the feeling of being satisfied, your stomach doesn't feel heavy. I had to go back to the hotel early Although I ordered a small amount, I would have liked to try more if I had time. This is plus I was surprised at the price of just 4,000 yen for two beers. Thank you for the meal!

  • yuja tone

    yuja tone


    the taste was good. no queque. but you have to wait to be cooked.

  • Kei Ari

    Kei Ari


    If you would like to eat Hiroshima-style Okonomiyaki, you should visit here. There are a lot of Okonomiyaki restaurants in Hiroshima, but this restaurant is one of the most popular ones.

  • Ara A.

    Ara A.


    This is my very first taste of Hiroshima’s famous okonomiyaki. This place was recommended by a local so I had really high expectations. It didn’t disappoint! I chose their special okonomiyaki (the most popular and expensive okonomiyaki on the menu). It was good and heavy. I could barely finish the whole okonomiyaki. Recommended~

  • Eddy Chan

    Eddy Chan


    Not bad. At least no need to wait in long queue.

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