山下歯科 i Yokkaichi




🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒510-0891 Mie, Yokkaichi, Hinaganishi, 2-chōme−20−12 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 59-346-2810
internet side: www.yamashita-dc.net
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 34.9516252, Longitude: 136.5984155

kommentar 5

  • ゆ


  • P P

    P P


  • m m

    m m


    The cost is low and the service is polite, which is why it is crowded and the waiting period for reservations is long.

  • 揚げたてコロッケ



    Children are easily clingy and cry easily when they feel anxious. Here, they will explain each step in detail in an easy-to-understand manner that even my child with a developmental disorder can understand, what to use for treatment, what is wrong, and how far we can proceed today. You will also be given an indication of when your treatment will end. I am also indebted to you here. The X-rays are state-of-the-art and fast, and you can see what's going on with your teeth on a monitor. Recommended for people who have wisdom teeth. It's difficult to make reservations because there are a lot of people of all ages, men and women. However, if your child has some kind of disability or cannot be examined at another hospital, you should be able to make an appointment.

  • 千千



    Tooth decay treatment. I was told it would be roughly 4 or 5 times, but it keeps growing😵 I don't really understand why it's taking so long, and even though I was told it would end next time, it still hasn't finished. It may not be suitable for busy people. Perhaps because there are so many patients like this, it is difficult to get an appointment.

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