Shabu-Shabu Tajimaya Kyoto Yodobashi Branch i Kyoto

JapanShabu-Shabu Tajimaya Kyoto Yodobashi Branch



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Japan, 〒600-8216 Kyoto, Shimogyo Ward, Higashishiokōjichō, 590−2 京都ヨドバシビル
kontakter telefon: +81 75-344-2919
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.9882462, Longitude: 135.7589291

kommentar 5

  • Bằng Linh

    Bằng Linh


    Overall, I really enjoy the meal. The meat is tender, lots of vegetable and the sukiyaki broth is good. Definitely recommend going after 1pm to avoid crowded

  • Fyn Liu

    Fyn Liu


    The closing time is 11pm and dining time is 90mins. I was here at 8.30pm but queue is closed for more customers, there are about 6 people in the queue, i don’t understand why they closed so early. Furthermore, 20 mins later, I saw the staff giving queue number to a local customer. First time felt discriminated for being a foreigner tourist.

  • Honey Colak-Antic

    Honey Colak-Antic


    great hotpot. yuzu broth very nice, chinese salty broth a bit meh. staff very attentive; press the waiter button and someone’s at your table in half a second if you want more meat or drinks. drinkswise - GET THE PLUM SOUR!!! best ever cocktail ever in this country

  • Ed Chung

    Ed Chung


    After returning to Kyoto station from a day of visitation, we came by here for our dinner before heading back to Osaka. It was 6.30pm and the restaurant was already very crowded but we managed to get a table at the end corner of the restaurant. The restaurant offered all you can eat buffet with a fixed set menu for sukiyaki and shabu shabu, which you can order beef, pork or chicken. So we got beef and pork set menu (they would be served to you by the staff and can be reorder again), and that included the buffet counter which you could help yourself with the various types of veggies and mushrooms, noodles, rice, pickles and condiments. Drinks (hot and cold drinks including juice) and ice creams were inclusive in the buffet spread too. It would be perfect if they could also offer some fresh cut fruits. As for the soupbase, you could choose any 2 from the available 6. If not remembered wrongly, we got the pork ribs and yuzhu soup. They were very nice, flavourful and yet not salty. Overall, the foods were fresh and nice. And as mentioned earlier, you could reorder the beef and pork when you had finished your earlier set and the staff would bring them over to you. Portions were generous. Staff were generally efficient and friendly in helping to serve food and also in clearing the used plates. The prices for the beef and pork were around 3000 and 2500 yen respectively. But do take note that there's a time limit for the buffet, up to 120mins and last order was 15mins before the time was "up". Overall, it was a good and enjoyable dinner!

  • Doug



    The price and volume of the food was extremely generous. We all ate and ate and wished we had more space at the end. One of our best meals in Kyoto.

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