SESAME w Niigata




🕗 godziny otwarcia

601-5 Nishiōhatachō, Chuo Ward, Niigata, 951-8104, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-229-0805
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.9234733, Longitude: 139.03721

komentarze 5

  • Soon Hagi (Soo)

    Soon Hagi (Soo)


    Refreshing French. It's also good that it's easy to enter. Private rooms are also available, and small groups are also welcome.

  • タイラキョウコ



    You can enjoy French cuisine at an affordable price. A careful and delicate presentation of taste. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal.

  • 恵美安中



    I was in the mood for French food, so I called and was told there were still seats available. I'm sorry to interrupt you. These days, there are very few shops that have pure white tablecloths, even if they are reasonably priced. So I'm a little nervous. The lunch course is the middle course at 3300 yen. Amuse, appetizer, soup, main, dessert and coffee. I could tell that they were trying to provide proper customer service. Each of the dishes on the appetizer platter has its own appeal and is satisfying to eat. French for the first time in a while. I enjoyed it. There is no parking lot, so park at a nearby parking lot and try your best to walk.

  • 中とう



    I stopped by for lunch. I ordered the A course meal for 2200 yen, and my satisfaction level was 120%. ・Protrusion ·bread ・Appetizer ・Main meat or fish ・Assortment of 3 types of desserts ・Coffee or tea The timing and explanation of the food being served was excellent, and I was simply intrigued by the heartfelt hospitality provided by the talented chef. Isn't it okay for a meal to cost more than 3000 yen? The content was very satisfying. The seats were spacious and I felt safe in terms of coronavirus precautions. I definitely want to go again.

  • y



    I went in the afternoon. White tablecloths, clean table sets, and fixtures. 2 parking lots nearby

najbliższy Restauracja

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