Sendoichiba Araoten in Arao

JapanSendoichiba Araoten



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1-1 Ōshima, Arao, Kumamoto 864-0057, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 968-64-6510
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.9903901, Longitude: 130.4328634

kommentare 5

  • リリーゆりこ



    I stopped by for the first time on a weekday that wasn't a Saturday (sale day). The store opens at 10am, but several cars have been waiting in the parking lot for about 20 minutes. Five minutes before the store opened, there were about 20 customers in line waiting to enter. As soon as the store opened, a man in the front was rushing towards the fresh fish section, so I went with him out of curiosity, but his purpose was to buy a pack of fish and kama. Sweat) The seasonal vegetables and fruits displayed at the entrance store were large, beautiful, and reasonably priced. The fish was delivered directly from the market and was very fresh and sparkling. I'm not sure if the price is high or low because it's sold individually, but I think it's cheap.

  • Miwa Yamada

    Miwa Yamada


    The prices are cheaper than other supermarkets around here, and the fresh fish, fruits and vegetables, and meat are all fresh. It's helpful to have fresh fish prepared according to your wishes! However, the aisles are narrow, so when you're pushing a cart, you may have a hard time separating yourself from other customers at the fresh fish section. There are also many types of bread. There is also a wide variety of side dishes, including chicken nanban and other fried foods. The sushi also looks fresh and delicious. Unfortunately it is closed on Sundays and public holidays.

  • appleseater26



    Authentic Japanese grocery shopping experience. If you ever read the manga switch girl. They have the funniest and most aggressive obachan in town there. Be ready to push and be pushed.

  • 時岡さなえ



    On March 5th, only a short time after the state of emergency was lifted, there were a lot of people during the day on weekdays. It was as busy as Don Quijote or Karato Market. I'm sure many people come from far away to buy. It's super cheap as you can see in the picture. 10 pieces of yellowfin tuna cost 500 yen, and 10 pieces of top nigiri cost 626 yen. I ate sushi at Arao Beach. We ate sushi while looking out at the ocean at Arao Beach. It was the best. Although I can't make a simple comparison due to differences in physical condition and season, I felt it was better than the sushi and seafood bowls I had eaten at high-end sushi restaurants in Shiogama, wholesale markets, and restaurants at fishing ports in Kanazawa and Himi. All the sushi was meaty, the tuna was soft and rich, the greens were good, and the squid was plump. I'm really glad I came to Arao.

  • Edith Bredes

    Edith Bredes


    Love to shop here💕💕💕💕💕💕

nächste Supermarkt

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