森病院 w Utsunomiya




🕗 godziny otwarcia

419 Iidamachi, Utsunomiya, Tochigi 321-0347, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 28-648-6111
strona internetowej: www.morihosp.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.56446, Longitude: 139.813798

komentarze 5

  • 月那サイキック占い、ヒーリング



    After all, I can't draw blood. I didn't know where to put the blood, so I finally finished drawing blood at the 4th point. I still don't think it's bad Impossible. Practice with your own arms!!

  • 頭キーン。



    I don't want to give even one star I went there a few years ago, and a doctor named Honda yelled at me, saying, "That's true," and saying, "It's all your fault." I was told things like Just by asking the nurse's permission and having a conversation with her, it is impossible for her to say, ``Because of you, you are causing a nuisance to the nurse's work.'' I got permission Please refrain from going as a new person for the time being. especially young girls I know multiple children who have been sexually assaulted by Honda. A friend of mine is currently in the hospital, but he can't say anything because he's afraid he'll be told that he'll argue with the doctor even if he says something wrong. When you're hospitalized, you don't even have the right to speak.

  • M H

    M H


    first, Inpatient ward environment. I was admitted as an emergency, but I was admitted in a mixed ward. Although it was a closed ward, patients were allowed to restrict their movements according to their condition.If I told the nurse the day before, I was allowed to go out on foot to go shopping on my own. Patients who were able to self-manage were able to shower almost every day if they wished. Cellphones and music players are handled differently depending on whether the patient is in a private room or not, but if a patient is allowed to go out, they are allowed to use their cellphones within hours and can even charge them in the nurse's room. Items other than items that are extremely dangerous, such as string-like items, were allowed to be brought in. The hospital room had a large room separate from the private rooms, but it was basically partitioned with curtains, so it was not a major inconvenience. The individual lockers are locked and can hold a lot of storage if kept tidy. If you can manage your pocket money yourself, you can carry a small amount with you. Since most of the people had mild illnesses, there were no serious incidents. That's not to say there aren't any. As for the staff, nurses and assistants work in pairs, so I didn't feel that there were any staff members who treated patients in a senseless way, perhaps because they had more leeway.The nurses said, ``It's easy to work, and the pay is pretty low.'' However, (lol) It was an environment where the staff were satisfied with the workplace, and the overall atmosphere was quite good. Caseworkers, occupational therapists, pharmacists, and psychologists are also active and free, with their own psychoeducational classes and occasional events. Many of the doctors had strong personalities, but I don't think there were any of them who treated patients in the same way that other staff members did. Basically, it's just a matter of compatibility, but personally, I think it would have been even better if there were more female doctors who could be a little more familiar. The meals are standard hospital food, but menus are prepared for each event. There are shops on the premises. Outpatient There is no problem with waiting time, as reservations are basically required, and the afternoons are usually busier than the mornings. There are magazines and newspapers in the waiting room. The doctors' responses were compatible, but I felt that there were almost no pointless, high-pressure type doctors, so in that respect it's not bad at all. I felt that there were more doctors who were better at prescribing medicine than at other institutions.At least in my case, the number of types of prescriptions was reduced and the prescriptions were simpler, making it easier to understand what was being prescribed. I think the biggest drawback is the inconvenient location. The overall organization has an active and tolerant atmosphere. Testing, event, and care facilities are well-equipped, and as a local psychiatric hospital, you can see that they are thinking about not only their patients but also their workers. As for the treatment itself, I felt that it was excellent for local mental health care as a normal treatment. The limitations of local medical care include being too particular about disease names, and there is still a long way to go as a special treatment. However, considering the behavioral nature of the hospital's atmosphere, I feel that there is potential for future growth. There are reviews that say I'm an employee, but I'm a patient. I wasn't one of the staff members who was too pushy. I received harsh criticism from doctors and nurses. However, I think that being hospitalized for mental illness is a sign of strong paranoia. Of course, this is not a normal situation, so they are not aware that their behavior is unreasonable. Moreover, if you think about it, you will know which is better: a hospital that tells you, ``You cannot be discharged from the hospital in that condition,'' or a hospital that says, ``If you don't like it, please leave the hospital.''

  • 趙子龍



    Looking at other reviews, some are harsh, but I've been seeing him as an outpatient for a long time, and I think it's because I get along well with the doctor. I've never been hospitalized, so I don't know, but I don't think it would be a problem to be seen as an outpatient. I have never had a bad experience with the doctors or staff at the hospital.

  • カズ下野



    The doctor here listens well to what the patients have to say, and I have a very good impression of him. You can make reservations and the teacher is the same every time, so I recommend it!

najbliższy Szpital

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