Seafood BBQ Mekiki-no-Ginji Oita Station i Oita

JapanSeafood BBQ Mekiki-no-Ginji Oita Station



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Japan, 〒870-0831 Oita, Higashiōmichi, 1-chōme−3−3 1KCA・アクロスプラザ大分駅南 1階
kontakter telefon: +81 97-544-9088
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.2324385, Longitude: 131.6050801

kommentar 5

  • りつ(りつ60さい)



    I ate seafood bowl. It was delicious. The single guest table has a TV so you can watch your favorite programs while eating. This is good.

  • echaintool mickey

    echaintool mickey


    A colorful Japanese restaurant In this fast-paced society, we often overlook the beauty in life. Sometimes we need to slow down, enjoy a delicious meal, and experience different cultures and flavors. That's why I love this Japanese restaurant. This restaurant is located on a busy street but has a unique charm. Its appearance is full of energy and color, attracting the attention of many passers-by. The restaurant's sign has the names of various Japanese dishes, from sushi to ramen. Red lanterns hang at the door of the restaurant, emitting a warm light, making people feel like they have entered a different world. The inside of the restaurant is even more stunning. The wooden tables and chairs, red tablecloths, and Japanese-style decoration all show the owner's love and respect for Japanese culture. The atmosphere of the restaurant is comfortable and warm, making people forget the hustle and bustle outside. The waiters all wear kimonos and greet every guest with a smile, making people feel like they are back home. The food in the restaurant is impeccable. Every dish is made with fresh ingredients, carefully prepared and beautifully presented, making people salivate. My favorite is the sushi platter, which has a variety of different sushi, from tuna to salmon, shrimp to octopus, every bite is a treat. The rice of the sushi is cooked to perfection, the fish is thinly sliced ​​and tender, and the soy sauce and wasabi have just the right flavor to leave you with endless aftertaste. In addition, I also like ramen very much. The soup is rich and fragrant, and the noodles are springy and chewy. It is paired with tonkotsu, eggs, seaweed, and green onions, which warms the heart and stomach. This restaurant is not only a place to eat, but also a place to experience Japanese culture. Every time I come here, I can feel the enthusiasm and dedication of the chefs and waiters, which gives me a deeper understanding and love for Japanese food. This restaurant is my favorite restaurant and the one I recommend the most.

  • Benny CHAN

    Benny CHAN


    It's 1st January not many restaurants are open. Had this near the JR Station. Sashimi are fresh, the hot dishes are at par. Service is not bad, and it's reasonably priced.

  • 宮田



    The appetizer is boiled fish. The photo below. Just the appetizer costs 398 yen. All-you-can-drink is cheap, but you can't go unless you buy at least 4 items that cost more than 300 yen. (Two people went, so each person had two dishes?) What I want to say in the end is that it's expensive.

  • 湯上がりの小指



    I have used it several times. The taste is usually delicious. I think the fish is fresh too. This is a recommended restaurant if you want to enjoy fish dishes easily. However, for some reason, the drinks weren't being served well, or perhaps the timing was bad, but the staff were ugly, and there are a lot of things that make me worried.

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