さつき別荘 i Tamana



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368-2 Iwasaki, Tamana, Kumamoto 865-0016, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 968-72-3157
internet side: www.satsukibessou.com
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Latitude: 32.9386492, Longitude: 130.5591484

kommentar 5

  • Peter Kim

    Peter Kim


    Typical Japanese ryoukan in Tamana city. People are very kind here and it has nice onsen inside as well as outside. The room is tadami style!!

  • なさ




  • Sandra Yeung

    Sandra Yeung


    Absolutely beautiful onsen hotel. Nostalgic Japanese tatami style rooms. Cozy and warm hotel with great service. The hotel and facilities look old, but it is very very clean. And every detail is nicely prepared for you, you can tell from the meals. Onsen has indoor and outdoor part. Men and womens separate. It's not too big so if the hotel is full, itll be very crowded. But we went on a weeknight so it was literally just us in the onsen. They have different temperature water for you, and as someone who can't take water that's too hot, it was fine for me. Recommend this hotel, and make sure you get the dinner and breakfast too!

  • Glenn T

    Glenn T


    Beautiful hotel with luxurious private rooms and onsen bath. Amazing food! Nice gardens (might need a gardener). Not much english spoken here. If you are tattooed... do not expect to be allowed to the public bath!!! I recommend paying the extra money to get the private room. Not many tourist attractions immediately around the hotel. I recommend getting a rental car. Staff were somewhat friendly but they appeared to be more welcoming to Japanese people🤐. One thing I did find disappointing was for the price of our private room which was approximately 1000 Australian dollars for two nights and set dinner. everything else we had to pay for 😯

  • - -IER. Xxx

    - -IER. Xxx


    Great place to be Excellent dinner and breakfast Nice hot spring, friendly helpful service. Only two thinks I would change 1. The breakfast until 10:00 AM and the Internet / Wifi on your room and not only at the lobby

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