Sato Hospital w Hirakata

JaponiaSato Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

65-1 Yabu Higashimachi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1124, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-850-8711
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8443932, Longitude: 135.6802383

komentarze 5

  • めい



    The teachers, nurses, and receptionists are especially kind. I went there for a visit in the past, and you can get a free parking ticket for 2 hours for a visit (free ticket for an outpatient visit).

  • sizumilk



    My family is coming with me for surgery today, but there is no waiting room for them. There is a partition next to the elevator, and you are seated on a chair there. On top of that, major construction work is being carried out on the second floor. The noise from the vacuum cleaner and tools being hit was so loud, and the wall I was leaning against was also vibrating, making it extremely painful to wait for the surgery to finish in this condition. Conversations between nurses are also very loud. I bring earphones with me, but even if I turn up the volume, the noise is so loud that I can't hear anything. I also feel sorry for the hospitalized patients.

  • sakuramai



    It's a general hospital, so it's normal to have to wait! I always feel that way. I know good teachers and nurses who are working hard, so it's sad that the ratings are so low. I would like to see improvements in areas that can be improved. The fever outpatient clinic was open from 9am. If you tell the general receptionist that you would like to visit the fever outpatient clinic, they will guide you to a prefabricated hut outside. After filling out the medical history form, I waited for over two hours before being seen. The nurse will ask you if you would like to stay in the prefabricated hut, go home and come back in two hours, or if you are coming by car, wait in your car. If you wait in your car, your doctor will contact you on your cell phone when your appointment is near. I'm in the neighborhood, so I went home for a while. Two hours later, when I went to the prefabricated hut, there was no doctor's examination, but they gave me medicine according to the symptoms listed on the medical questionnaire. In my case, I was positive for coronavirus and didn't have a fever, but they gave me antipyretics just to be safe. It's a prefabricated hut, and what you receive is a prescription. Even if you are positive for the coronavirus, you have to take your prescription to the pharmacy and get the medicine because you are very careful not to infect the people around you, so it would be helpful if you could get the medicine directly at the prefabricated hut. Also, the chairs in the prefabricated hut were pipe chairs, so waiting for a long time might hurt your back. If possible, it would be better for the elderly if you could change to a chair that puts less strain on your back. My husband went to the fever outpatient clinic at a private hospital near Sato Hospital and returned within an hour. If you don't want to wait, I think it's a good idea to go to a private hospital. postscript I went there a few days ago, and at the medical bill payment machine, an elderly person was having trouble figuring out how to make the payment. Last time I went there, an elderly person seemed to have put coins or bills in the wrong place, so the machine stopped working and the clerk apologized to me. For elderly people, operating the payment machine may be difficult to understand. Shouldn't there be guidance staff at the payment machines, even if they are volunteers?

  • 嶋村真志



    Dr. Shimakawa, a male internal medicine doctor, and his assistant? The nurse's attitude was the worst. There was an item on the questionnaire asking if I wanted to be tested for the coronavirus, so I circled that and submitted it (there was no item regarding influenza testing). After that, I was tested for the coronavirus, and when I entered the examination room, the doctor said, ``You probably have a cold. I'll give you some medicine. Now, please wait on the sofa in the front.'' Is there a possibility that I have the flu? When I asked him, he snorted and said, ``I don't know, I haven't looked into it lol.'' Then, the female nurse asked in a stern tone, "Do you want to be tested for influenza?" (The flu test was also done in the same outdoor prefabricated shed as the coronavirus test). Below is what I want to convey. Do I have to ask the teacher for a flu test? Even though there is a possibility that I have the flu, can I simply tell them that I have a cold and continue going to work? What do the prescribed medicines do? It is really a pity. I came to this orthopedic clinic after a traffic accident, and my grandfather, the orthopedic surgeon, is a perfect and wonderful doctor, except that he is not good at typing on computers. The part-time workers sitting at the information desk are always on their phones and are unfriendly, but it doesn't matter, so it's okay.

  • あずき



    I visited here with symptoms of fever and cough. . The nurse who was responding to the incident happened to someone who was unable to make a proper judgment. Would you like to be tested for coronavirus? I answered that I would like to do both because I don't know if it's influenza or coronavirus at the moment, but since I wanted to take the coronavirus test first because it takes several days to get the results, I was told it was influenza right away. Will it come out? If you ask me, yes. . only When I asked him why he didn't do it because he had the flu, he said it was because he wanted a coronavirus test... Isn't it up to the doctor to decide whether it's the flu, coronavirus, or some other illness? . However, hospitals leave all decisions to the patients. In the end, I had to wait for a long time and the only medical examination was an interview. I didn't even see her body, just gave her medicine and went home. Even though it's a hospital, they don't examine me properly. I'm scared to give medicine even though I don't know what the illness is. I don't want to give even 1 star

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