Mukaiyama Hospital w Hirakata

JaponiaMukaiyama Hospital


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-36-6 Shōdai Motomachi, Hirakata, Osaka 573-1133, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 72-855-1246
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Latitude: 34.8393444, Longitude: 135.6886183

komentarze 5

  • ソンツェンガンポちゃん



    It was just a mild cold, but I thought I should go to the hospital, so when I told the nurse about my symptoms, she just laughed at me, so she said it was okay and went home. Did you need to laugh? ?

  • ゆき



    Do not entrust your precious family to this hospital. It's really frustrating... After recovering from a serious illness, my father was transferred to another hospital during the rehabilitation stage. I was feeling very well on the day I was transferred, but As the days went on, my condition deteriorated rapidly and I could no longer even sit in a wheelchair. Suddenly I said, ``Please come now! ! 'I received a message asking my family to come with me in the morning. I hurriedly left work early and went with my family. ``I had never heard from 〇〇 Hospital (the hospital I was transferred to) that my kidney values ​​were bad.'' ``I wanted to transfer you to 〇〇hospital today, but the beds are full, so I will be transferred tomorrow. ” Isn't there any consultation before deciding to transfer? I've been holding back for a long time, but This is all I want to say. Each and every one of us has no love! Everyone was trying to be busy and I couldn't feel any love for the patients. The hospital bill was surprisingly high. Even though I haven't done anything. I'm so glad I was able to get out of this hospital while I still have my life.

  • 本田英治



    I was admitted to the hospital for rehabilitation. The first thing that surprised me was that the large room (general room?) had a name tag for 8 people, but it was actually a room for 6 people. Six people is a lot these days, but it looks like they'll be rebuilding it soon. The room is full of elderly people (well over 80 years old😮) who can do whatever they want❗ Get a loud ringtone in your room without putting your phone on silent mode! When you receive a call, just speak in a big voice! When he eats, he makes loud noises and scrapes his chopsticks against the bowl, and when he's done eating, he spits out phlegm, not caring that people are eating! If it's a restaurant, you'll definitely be kicked out! As soon as the lights go out, I push out the nurse call and kick the floor when the nurse arrives late! When I go to the bathroom in the middle of the night and come back, I turn on the TV and take out my earphones to watch! Even if I can do it myself, I will call a nurse! It's a cheap sale of "thank you" even though there is no feeling of gratitude. When the nurse is gone, you can say things like ``You're such a noisy old woman!'' or ``Hurry up!'' I feel like my head will go crazy before my body heals... Looking at other people's reviews, there are many criticisms of the hospital, but if you deal with patients like this every day, you'll want to make a disgusted face. In acute care hospitals, patients are generally discharged or transferred after two weeks, but since this is a comprehensive or convalescent hospital, many people stay in the hospital for a long time, and I wonder if they are really motivated to rehabilitate themselves. It makes me think... When a male rehabilitation teacher comes to pick him up, he says, ``It hurts, so I'm going to quit!'' But when a female teacher comes to pick him up, he's just a naughty old man who grins, holds her hand, and follows. The hospital before I came to this hospital had only very elderly patients. All hospitals are no longer hospitals but nursing homes. We have seen that Japan is becoming super-aged. If you are unfortunate enough to have to be hospitalized, I recommend a private room, as most of the inpatients are extremely elderly people who are very mean.

  • やままーみ



    My family has taken care of me before. I think this is a very good hospital for elderly people living in this area. The general medicine doctor and the counselors were very kind and supportive of the anxious family. I'm ashamed of myself for having avoided the building until now because it was an old building. I think I would be happy if I could see a doctor like this when I get older. Thank you so much.

  • k “林檎” k

    k “林檎” k


    Last year, my mother took care of me. At the age of 92, he moved from Wakayama Prefecture to Osaka, where I could see him. He lived there with his father, but his health deteriorated and he was transferred to three hospitals. This is the last time I took care of him. This is a hospital. Although I was unable to visit my mother due to the coronavirus pandemic, the counselor was very kind to her, and my mother was able to reach her natural age. By witnessing the response of three hospitals in a short period of time, I was able to realize how wonderful Mukoyama Hospital was. Later, when I went to pay the bill, the head nurse also gave me some heartwarming words. I wanted to write a review sooner, but I finally had the peace of mind. Thank you very much for your help during this time.

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