Sassa General Hospital w Nishitokyo

JaponiaSassa General Hospital



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4-chōme-24-15 Tanashichō, Nishitokyo, Tokyo 188-0011, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 42-461-1535
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.7295166, Longitude: 139.5386644

komentarze 5

  • 釣流まゆみ



    I was contacted just before 6pm on Saturday, May 11th, and was examined. My elderly mother fell outside and suffered a scrape on her face and pain in her wrist. I had only heard a little about the hospital in the same area where I had been treated before, but since it was my face, I decided it was a plastic surgery clinic and told me to look for another hospital. Another reason was that I didn't have enough time until the end of the day. The other hospital was in a really disappointing state and only had internal medicine doctors. Finally (sorry) I contacted you. When I did so, the receptionist listened carefully to my condition, and after consulting with the doctor in charge, I received a call back. As a result, I had CT scans and X-rays taken, and I was diagnosed by two doctors: an orthopedic surgeon and a neurosurgeon. I remembered that the director knew me when I happened to be at another hospital, and that he valued not turning away patients, which made me feel very at ease. I thought that Sasa Hospital was doing the same thing. I am truly grateful and grateful for being able to create a medical system that provides peace of mind in the community. This time, I would like to thank everyone, including the teacher, the person answering the phone, the receptionist, the woman who assisted the teacher, and the man who assisted the teacher. thank you very much. As mentioned in other people's comments, there were negative reviews, but I didn't feel that way at all. I look forward to working with you.

  • みー



    I was examined at the emergency department. I had been feeling nauseous and depressed since the middle of the night on the day of my appointment, so I called to make an appointment because I wanted to see the doctor. At that time, I was told that although I am an internal medicine specialist, he was not an expert on the abdomen and that it would be a simple test, so I asked a doctor who was not an expert to see me quickly. I was worried that after seeing the doctor for less than 3 minutes, they just listened to me and didn't do any tests, and even though I suspected food poisoning, they didn't even do a simple test. The staff at the reception and emergency department were also talking and didn't give me a good impression. It's my fault for asking a non-specialist to take a look at it, but I wish they'd at least run some tests to find out what the cause was.

  • 宮澤秀生



    My wife visits the hospital frequently, and it seems that the doctors' diagnoses are vague, so I would like her to treat patients in accordance with the Medical Practitioners Act. I appreciate the in-hospital Wi-Fi connection, but it seems like the power to the Wi-Fi itself is not checked every month, so I think it would be better to check the server's power every month. Pre-start inspections are commonplace in any industry, so please do so. If you are using Wi-Fi sharing equipment within the hospital, please be careful as network errors may cause harm to the equipment.

  • elmo mana

    elmo mana


    My 4-year-old child was diagnosed with Influenza B at another hospital and had a fever for 5 days, and even though he was taking medicine prescribed by the other hospital, he showed no signs of recovery and was unable to drink much water, resulting in pneumonia. I was worried about things like this, so I went to see a doctor. I called #8000 in advance, but since it was the last Sunday of a 3-day weekend, I was turned down by all the hospitals I was referred to, and I had nowhere else to go, so I visited this hospital for the first time. I was a little worried after reading the reviews, but there was nothing like what was written in the reviews, and everyone was very courteous. First of all, when I called ahead of time and told them that my child had the flu, they kindly replied that they would be able to receive the treatment in the afternoon, and asked me to be careful when coming. When I went there after that, there wasn't much of a waiting period, and I was seen right away.If I was concerned about dehydration, they gave me an IV, and when the IV was administered, my parents had to go outside, and when I was worried, my son I was able to do it without crying, and received many compliments from the nurses and doctors. Afterwards, I was given an X-ray blood test to check for any concerns such as pneumonia, and was able to answer any questions I had and receive medical care that made me feel at ease. thank you. It is natural that there are long waiting times at general hospitals, but isn't having a consultation by phone in advance having some effect on the waiting time? I thought. Looking at the responses from the hospital, I felt like the hospital was making reforms, so I felt like I could rely on them instead of just looking at reviews! Maybe it's because I was a pediatrician. I'm really thankful to you!

  • ああ



    The patient was diagnosed with a high fever of 40 degrees. It's true that there are signs in the hospital telling people to wear masks, but why not forcefully warn patients who arrive at the hospital in an unsteady state about not wearing one? I wish they would at least announce it at the reservation stage... There was no visual inspection or palpation, just an influenza test and it was negative. I can't help but think that he was given only two Calonal tablets and was licking the patient. By the way, when I looked inside my mouth at home afterwards, I found that my tonsils were swollen. You should go to a doctor who will examine you properly.

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