Takatsu Central General Hospital w Kawasaki

JaponiaTakatsu Central General Hospital


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

1-chōme-16-7 Mizonokuchi, Takatsu Ward, Kawasaki, Kanagawa 213-0001, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 44-822-6121
strona internetowej: www.takatsuhosp.or.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.600931, Longitude: 139.6133404

komentarze 5

  • レイン



    My friend went to the doctor for a checkup. There, the doctor never saw the patient for more than a few minutes from start to finish. I felt indescribable about this situation. Just look at the computer I don't see the patient. A medical examination? Apparently they charged a fair amount for the consultation, so I thought it was normal for a doctor to look at the patient's face and ask questions. I have a terrible female doctor. Let's watch out.

  • おしゅし大明神



    Thank you for your help during prenatal checkups and delivery after 32 weeks. The doctors and nurses were very kind to me, and I was able to get plenty of rest because the mother and baby were kept in separate rooms. The hospital food was not luxurious, but it was delicious. It's an old general hospital, so the equipment is a bit run down, but it's kept clean. However, it seems like you can't use the air conditioner in early May, so it was very hot since the bed was far away from the window. Also, it's in the middle of Mizonokuchi's bar district, so you can hear bottles breaking and drunk people making noise in the middle of the night. Maybe it depends on the location of the room? Even if you have a reservation for a prenatal checkup, you will have to wait 2 to 3 hours each time. It wasn't until I was admitted to the hospital that I realized that there was only one full-time obstetrician and gynecologist, and if there was a patient in the hospital who needed delivery or medical attention, they would go through the outpatient department and go there. The doctor also has a somewhat unreliable atmosphere, but he has a soft demeanor towards both patients and nurses, and even when there was a minor problem with my condition while I was in the hospital, he came to the hospital just to say he was worried. He was a kind person. I was wondering when the doctor came home and when he was eating...I saw him while he was in the hospital.

  • なお



    Thank you for helping me with my childbirth. All the teachers and staff were very kind and made me feel comfortable. The prices are also reasonable. There are separate rooms for mother and child, so you can rest well during your stay in the hospital. Due to the coronavirus, appointments are required and limited to two visits per week, 15 minutes each, and no more than two people at a time. I can't even be present. A celebratory meal will be served the day before your discharge. I was very happy to use it this time, so I hope to use it again when I give birth.

  • Aysu Y.C.

    Aysu Y.C.


    Horrible place!

  • john m

    john m


    Excellent service

najbliższy Szpital

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