サルーテ i Kumamoto




🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-5-3 Kurokami, Chuo Ward, Kumamoto, 860-0862, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 96-343-8081
internet side: ja-jp.facebook.com
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Latitude: 32.8188716, Longitude: 130.725848

kommentar 5

  • GOLDゴールド



    I would like to visit [Trattoria Salute], 4-5-3 Kurokami, Chuo-ku, Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture. There is a parking lot in front of the store and on the opposite side of the road! There are many narrow roads leading up to this point, so please be careful if you are coming by car! There are table seats and counter seats in the store! order ・Weekday lunch → 850 yen ・Large pasta → 200 yen *Price includes tax. ◯Salad A refreshing dressing with lettuce, red cabbage, baby leaves, and tomatoes. ◯Soup A standard soup made with vegetables simmered until they become mushy. ◯Pasta Tuna pasta with tomato sauce. The noodles are quite soft. The sauce was also mildly seasoned, so I topped it with Tabasco and more! It's a large portion, so there's plenty of volume. ◯Drink I made it with oolong tea. Since Kumamoto University is nearby, the prices are quite reasonable, so it's a casual Italian restaurant you can go to! Thank you for the meal!

  • ナツキ



    It's just delicious♪ This is a restaurant that you would probably become a regular at if it was near your home.

  • Pao Muñoz

    Pao Muñoz


    Great flavor. Italian pasta reminded me of my grandma's pasta. I would be back

  • ぴーちゃん



    Although it was bland, it was delicious and brought out the flavor of the ingredients. I visited for lunch, and there were a lot of people who seemed to be regulars, so it seemed like you could easily come in by yourself. I was also interested in the course menu for dinner, so I would like to try it someday ^ - ^

  • H yasunori

    H yasunori


    It's been a while since I last saw it, but the super al dente pasta is super delicious🤣🤣🤣The carbonara is exquisite! The simple banana tart is also amazing 😍😍😍

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