サリー・インドネパールレストラン en Yokkaichi




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1-chōme-1-5 Shinshō, Yokkaichi, Mie 510-0064, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 59-351-5040
sitio web: yokkaichisaree.web.fc2.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9600711, Longitude: 136.6190392

comentarios 5

  • Yoshi Hagi

    Yoshi Hagi


    I wanted to eat authentic curry, so I decided to visit this restaurant, which I had been curious about for a while. I ordered the A set curry with mutton masala. The strong taste of mutton and the exquisite harmony of dry spices♪ Please come and visit us whether you like curry or not. The shop owner is also a calm person and the shop has a nice atmosphere.

  • かず丸



    I came here a few days ago and the spicy curry was delicious, so I'm going to come back again. I ordered spinach-based mushroom saag and saffron rice (same as last time) The staff at the hall are extremely polite.

  • Maharshi Ray

    Maharshi Ray


    Quite authentic

  • Mayu Noodle

    Mayu Noodle


    Since it was 11am on a weekday, I was the only customer. The inside of the store is small, but has a quiet and relaxing atmosphere. I ordered chicken curry from C lunch set. It comes with two chicken tikkas, salad, soup, and a drink for 1,070 yen including tax. Both taste and quantity were satisfactory.

  • Kumar Rana

    Kumar Rana


    Delicious foods and beverages.

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