あんかけスパゲティ専門店 Carino 四日市生桑店 en Yokkaichi

Japónあんかけスパゲティ専門店 Carino 四日市生桑店



🕗 horarios

114-6 Ikuwachō, Yokkaichi, Mie 512-0911, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 59-333-9285
sitio web: www.pasta-carino.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.987935, Longitude: 136.6028052

comentarios 5

  • 友友



    Entered the store at lunch time. Ordered olives. 1000 yen including tax. In conclusion, it's not tasty... The ankake sauce is light and lacks punch. The noodles also lacked elasticity and had a bad texture. There aren't many ingredients such as spinach and fried eggs, which is not well balanced with the amount of noodles. The clerk's friendliness is very refreshing. The interior of the restaurant is nice and clean, but the layout makes it difficult to enter alone as there are only table seats. Sorry...it didn't suit my taste.

  • はっちゃん



    I visited you for lunch 😊 The sauce wasn't too spicy and it was very delicious with lots of ingredients❣️ It was always full at lunch time, and I thought it had a lot of fans because it was delicious🤤 I love that there are many items and toppings, and you can choose the amount of noodles ☺️ My husband and I both doubled the amount of noodles♪

  • Fumi



    I am a beginner who is using Ankake Spa for the second time. The first time I ate at a chain restaurant inside Nagoya Station, the taste was similar. It is characterized by its sour and umami flavor. This time, I used a coupon to make it the most popular pizza style at this restaurant, and topped it with squid cutlet, spinach, and a fried egg. It was filling and delicious. I don't live in Nagoya, so I can't eat it while walking around, but it's interesting to see how much the taste differs from store to store.

  • I right w

    I right w


    This is Iker. Authentic Ankake Pasta is here in mystery? The parking lot is small and the number of spaces is limited. The inside of the restaurant is like a public dining room, with 2 tables for 6 people and 4 tables for 4 people, and no counter seats, so if you go in alone, you might want to consider your time. Customer service is polite and takes orders in an easy-to-understand manner. The amount of noodles is as per the menu table, and it seems that many people eat more than the standard amount. This time, I ordered Vongole for 860 yen and registered it on Line to get Komatsuna topping. The red bean paste was comparable to the popular restaurant in Nagoya, but I felt it was a little less spicy. However, this one suits me better. The ingredients are well-balanced and plentiful, making it feel like ``The Vongola.'' 250g of noodles is quite large, but it matched well with the red bean paste, and I finished it easily. This time, partly due to the influence of TV, I wanted to try Ankake Pasta, so when I looked for it, I found a restaurant with a good reputation in this place, so I went there with some trepidation. I've eaten Ankake Pasta several times in Nagoya, and there were many times I missed it. Many of the famous restaurants didn't have enough space between tables and the food was crowded, but this restaurant is small so I was able to enjoy the food in peace. Also, I never thought that Yokkaichi would be able to offer authentic taste and volume comparable to Nagoya.

  • Hiro M

    Hiro M


    Ann is milder in a good sense than the authentic Yokoi-san and Sole-san in Nagoya, so I think it's good to have it in Mie Prefecture. Because it's not too spicy. All of the toppings are carefully crafted. The master's ``Welcome!'' sounds are very nice, so it's not hard to get into it even if it's your first time.

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