Sapporo City General Hospital en Sapporo

JapónSapporo City General Hospital



🕗 horarios

13 Chome-1 Kita 11 Jonishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-8604, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 11-726-2211
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 43.0711045, Longitude: 141.334364

comentarios 5

  • 望月郁子



    My 94-year-old father was rushed to the hospital and admitted to Sapporo Municipal Hospital. The doctors and nurses provided me with very kind and thorough care, and after a short hospital stay, I returned home in good health. I saw the philosophy posted inside the hospital, and I am filled with gratitude that everyone involved is working hard with the same feeling.

  • 1 Dolce

    1 Dolce


    For many years, I was treated at a pediatric neurology outpatient clinic for conversion treatment fees, but despite having frequent seizures, they did not do any tests. Tests at another hospital revealed that the drug concentration in the blood was close to zero. Meanwhile, during the last medical examination, he asked my adolescent daughter sexual harassment questions, which caused her to suffer psychologically. Also, when I went to the emergency room due to a severe seizure, the doctor on duty told me with an unpleasant look on his face that I should come in when I was on the verge of death. I was referred to this hospital by a local pediatrician, but I wouldn't have wanted to go to this hospital if I had known that there was a sexually harassing doctor or a doctor in such an unpleasant environment. You should refuse the hospital that gave you the referral letter. It's a really unpleasant and bad hospital.

  • ねるぽよさん



    Thank you for your help in getting my wisdom teeth removed. The doctor's explanations were easy to understand and thorough, so I was able to go for the tooth extraction without any anxiety. The surgery was completed smoothly and without any problems, and I was completely satisfied with my visit. thank you very much.

  • なお



    Early in the morning on January 26, 2024, I broke my left ankle in four places. I wrote a long message detailing everything that happened, but I felt so angry and frustrated that I deleted what I had written. If you are concerned about your own precious body or the health of your family and friends, please find a place where you can receive compassionate care. This orthopedic lower extremity specialist could not help me with my condition, which requires surgery tomorrow. When I consulted the doctor who confirmed the fracture and took me temporarily by ambulance, he told me that I needed to find another hospital immediately, that I was feeling uncomfortable, and that I should go back. He introduced me to a wonderful doctor, and I am currently receiving surgery, treatment, and rehabilitation at a different hospital.

  • 赤星正一郎



    About 30 years ago, I received great care from Dr. Hiroyuki Fukuda, a cardiologist at the time, and I have been attending the hospital ever since. After that, Dr. Fukuda was transferred and the doctor in charge was also changed, and the other day I had a problem with my current doctor, so I finally decided to stop going. When I had questions about the medication and said that it seemed strange, the doctor suddenly told me that it was a human rights violation. Honestly, I was surprised. I don't use abusive language at all, and I don't sit around for long periods of time (I also work in the law, so I'm always careful about that). If a patient expresses his or her wishes and opinions to a doctor, does that constitute a violation of the doctor's human rights? He suddenly said something so outrageous that it really hurt me. When I told him that I would not be coming again, he curtly replied, "Please go ahead." It was a hospital that I had been familiar with for many years, but I was very disappointed in the end.

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