三幸苑 en Yokohama




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3-chōme-11-31 Kōnandai, Konan Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 234-0054, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 45-831-1420
sitio web: www.sankouen-kounandai.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.3775458, Longitude: 139.5802774

comentarios 5

  • hori_ 1971

    hori_ 1971


    Tanmen ➕ Gyoza ➕ Half fried rice I was hesitating about ordering half fried rice, but if you leave it, I'll give it to you, so don't eat it. A Chinese restaurant with kind mothers By the way, the taste of the tanmen and gyoza is really good with garlic, and I wonder if the chili oil is homemade.It tastes like chili oil, which is delicious.

  • takakou.y



    A long-established Chinese restaurant. I had yakisoba and half rice. The taste was strong and the garlic was effective. Soft yakisoba with a relatively large portion Highly recommended. For half rice, Add an appropriate amount of homemade chili oil that you always have on hand, Chili oil rice with a light drizzle of soy sauce It may be a curve ball, but I love it. Quite crowded at noon, It's not even close to the station, and there are only two parking spaces. Also, although the volume is Although the cost performance is not that great, You can't go wrong with most of the menu items. It's a nice restaurant where you can eat with peace of mind. Overall the taste is strong. Also, most items contain garlic. It's quite effective, so if you don't like it You may need to be careful...

  • Quu



    I ate tanmen at Sakuragicho Sankoen a long time ago and it was delicious, so I stopped by. I was planning on having tanmen, but I had paiko noodles so I changed my plans in a hurry. Paiko's pork is relatively thick, has a faint curry flavor, and is quite filling. However, I think the soup is a bit sweet even without adding sauce. The tanmen is delicious with chewy medium-thick noodles, the flavor of stir-fried vegetables and meat, and a crispy garlic soup. I think Sankoen's tanmen is delicious. Although we don't have a great value lunch set like Sakuragicho, the female employee at Konandai was more pleasant and I had a pleasant meal.

  • 酒酒



    2023-11-10 Curry rice and half curry are off the menu. Prices have gone up across the board. The taste of Sanmamen remains the same. **************** ***************** We have been together since before we moved to our current store (more than 40 years?). Sanmamen ¥830- is thin noodles with soy sauce flavor, and tanmen ¥830- is medium-thick flat noodles with salt flavor. Both have a lot of ingredients and are voluminous. The base soup has a deep flavor that is a mixture of various dashi soups. Personally, I find the taste to be incomparable to anything else. Is Yakisoba ¥880- so-called chamen? Fried noodles? Expecting regular yakisoba, you'll be surprised to see what's served and be surprised again at how delicious it is. The handmade dumplings (¥470) are surprisingly light, but perfect as a side to noodle dishes. There are also 4 half pieces for ¥250. Anyway, the feeling of satisfaction and euphoria after eating is different. That seems to be the reason why so many students continue to come here even though the price is a little high. This time, I felt that the texture of the noodles was better than before, but maybe it's my imagination or just a coincidence of the undercooking.

  • RYU



    I decided to pay a visit to this restaurant, which has been around since the Showa era and looks like it has delicious ramen, located in the commuter towns of Konandai and Yokodai. When I drove there on a Saturday evening just before the store opened, the parking lot (3 spaces) in front of the store was already full, so I had no choice but to head to a nearby paid parking lot. It's fairly close to Konandai, so you won't have any trouble finding paid parking. The restaurant seems to be famous for its tanmen, but the simple sanmamen also looked delicious, so I ordered sanmamen and gyoza. It wasn't that crowded, so both were brought to me within 10 minutes. I first put my chopsticks on the gyoza, but the freshly baked gyoza had a crispy texture that I've never experienced anywhere else. The size is normal, and the garlic is a little strong. There seems to be a good balance of vegetables and meat, and the taste is very delicious. A simple but delicious taste. It's delicious. The sanmamen looked quite voluminous, so I thought it might have been too much to pair it with the gyoza, but I was able to eat more and more of it, probably because the vegetables were filling. When it's freshly made, avoid the piping hot filling and add the noodles little by little...the amount of noodles doesn't seem to be that much. It has a sweet flavor and low salt and fat content, so I think it's a healthy category of ramen. The soup was so delicious that I finished almost all of it. When I told them at the time of payment that I had parked my car at a nearby paid parking lot, they gave me 100 yen cash back without asking me anything, so it felt like a good deal. I think I'll try the authentic tanmen next time I come. (Another day) I tried miso butter ramen instead of tanmen... The miso flavor is not strong at all, and the salt content is low, making it a mild miso ramen with a seasoning unique to this restaurant. The three thickly sliced ​​charyagi were just the right amount of food and filled my stomach just right. On the way home (around 11:30 on Sunday), the police were controlling parking on the residential road behind the store...so if you drive there and can't get into the store's parking lot, just go ahead. I think it would be better to park at a nearby paid parking lot.

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