Santa Rosa Cafe-Kitchen en Matsuzaki

JapónSanta Rosa Cafe-Kitchen



🕗 horarios

317-1 Miyauchi, Matsuzaki, Kamo District, Shizuoka 410-3612, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 558-43-0353
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.7530212, Longitude: 138.7798497

comentarios 5

  • Joyce Lee

    Joyce Lee


    This restaurant has such great potential, but it is doing too much and customer service is suffering. We came on a Saturday night a week before start of summer season, therefore we were the only two guests in the restaurant along with some takeaway orders. Even with so few guests, it took close to 40 mins for our two drinks and two main courses to be served and noticed they didn’t even have time to clear the table of guests who left before us. The flavor of both our dishes was acceptable. I make Italian style pizza from scratch regularly and the version here has structural issues: the crust was completely soggy and flat like a tortilla. This is not pizza. I wish they would focus on the dishes they do well, and not offer a menu with 100 items each with different cooking techniques. Maybe that would give them a bit more time for customer service.

  • Gary Bonham

    Gary Bonham


    Cheap chewy crust, sweet tomato sauce, undercooked pizza. Do not recommend if you like good Neapolitan pizza.

  • Neil Mcinnes

    Neil Mcinnes


    If you like being told not to talk (no small talk) just as you have sat down with your family, even though we are all wearing masks, then this is the place for you. Just sit, look at each other, no taking, eat by removing mask, pay money and leave… we can not comment about the food as we left straight away. Even in Covid times, which we respect by wearing masks, the people there are very unwelcoming and inhospitable.

  • Michaela Barker

    Michaela Barker


    Delicious pizzas. Great find! We stumbled on this place at the last minute and had 3 different pizzas. All of them delicious. The marguerites especially with the basil pesto on top! Yummy! The children had got their shoes wet in the sea so we carried them in with no shoes on! Goodness knows what the owners thought of us!!

  • Olivia Brantner

    Olivia Brantner


    Super cozy little mom and pop Italian place! Run by 3 super nice folks who are absolute geniuses in the kitchen. Their pizza and doria are incredibly delicious and very reasonably priced. I liked my first meal there so much that I actually returned every day of my stay in Matsuzaki! You may have to wait a little because the kitchen is small but it is well worth the wait! To the owners, I couldn't tell you in person because I can't speak Japanese well, but I really enjoyed eating here!

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