Life Time en Shizuoka

JapónLife Time



🕗 horarios

11-1 Kōyamachi, Aoi Ward, Shizuoka, 420-0852, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 54-250-0131
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.9724093, Longitude: 138.3851202

comentarios 5

  • Rain-a Nashidsuki (sacerdotisa ENL)

    Rain-a Nashidsuki (sacerdotisa ENL)


    It is used as a coworking space. I've been here several times, and the musical instruments on the stage and the lighting from the ceiling create a unique atmosphere that's different from a normal coworking space. It's only open during the day on weekdays, so I haven't had a chance to use it lately, but it's my favorite place. I always end up missing out on curry due to bad timing, so I'd like to try it someday. One small thing to note is that if you sit by the window, it may be a little far from the power source on the wall below your feet. It's within reach of a computer's power cord, but if a smartphone's charging cable is 1 meter long, you can barely place your smartphone on the edge of a desk. I think it would be easier to operate the watch while charging (though I don't really recommend it) if it was at least 1.2m or 1.3m long. That's the only thing that bothered me.

  • 葉山光広



    This is a historic jazz club located on the premises of Ukitsuro, which is associated with Tokugawa Ieyasu, but famous players sometimes perform, and you can also listen to live performances other than jazz. It is close to Shizuoka Station and there are many restaurants around.

  • 新田郁雄



    I heard it at Yukino Nakajima's live performance. I'm glad I was able to enjoy wonderful music in a comfortable space at Jazzy. It's a shame that soft drinks were served in plastic bottles to prevent infectious diseases, but I think it was unavoidable. It would be great if we could resume business as usual soon. From Shizuoka Station, take the north exit, go west, and head north from the Post Hall, so it's very convenient.

  • 大塚範子



    I enjoyed Beaujolais Nouveau while listening to American jazz.

  • N.Macchan



    Many live events, especially Jazz, are held here.

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