Santa Maria Novella Tisaneria Kyoto en Kyoto

JapónSanta Maria Novella Tisaneria Kyoto



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東洞院通四条上ル Naginatabokocho, Nakagyo Ward, Kyoto, 604-8143, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 75-254-8692
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0039291, Longitude: 135.7610107

comentarios 5

  • m s

    m s


    As soon as I was seated, I was told, ``Please leave in one hour.'' 60 minutes for a 6-course, dessert and drink course for ¥4400? I thought that was quite a restriction. At this point, I thought maybe I should have some wine. Food is not served quickly either. The kitchen is open and you can see how well the food is prepared. However, once the cooking staff makes the food, that's it. Two young staff members are absent-minded as they have nothing to do. (Do you have nothing to do? Or are you in training or something? Why are you sitting around doing nothing?) The staff washing the dishes was making a lot of noise and was not busy. The atmosphere is that of an ordinary diner. A salad came out without dressing. Then he lowered the plate, poured some dressing on it, and brought it over. No apologetic words whatsoever. 25 types of vegetable salad. There are 25 types specified. Is this what it is? It just makes eating more fun. I wonder if there are 25 types if it's not specified? becomes. Other dishes such as zuppa and pasta main were very delicious. Especially the famous focaccia was really delicious. However The coffee I ordered with the final dessert [It boiled down because I dripped it early and kept it warm.] It was that kind of coffee. In this case, I should have ordered an Americano with hot water poured over the espresso. There were options for Japanese black tea and herbal tea instead of forcing myself to drink coffee, so I should have gone for that. If the last thing you taste is boiled down coffee, it's ruined. It was the worst shit.

  • r



    I visited for lunch at the end of February. The service was very good in a small and bright store. It doesn't happen often, but something was dropped during the meal. There were several crashing sounds both in the hall and in the kitchen. Maybe there was some kind of chain. The food was very delicious and plentiful. I would have liked the pasta to have a little less whitebait. The pasta had a lot of flavor, so the saltiness of the whitebait increased and the taste was strong.




    I was expecting a bit more given the price point. It was a good meal but not extraordinary. I’ve had quite a few Italian meals in Japan, this one wasn’t particularly memorable. It was decent, perhaps a bit bland, but for 11,000¥ I was hoping for something special. Also, the beef course was a little tough, not top quality. To be honest the place had a bit of a sad vibe, like a restaurant that won’t be around much longer. Service was crisp and professional.

  • Jean Ng

    Jean Ng


    Simple intimate space with only a few table and counter seatings. The atmosphere is cosy yet not too formal. I believe this is the only restaurant run under the Santa Maria Novella perfume shop from Florence in the world. The dishes were simple yet well prepared and flavourful with a Japanese culinary touch. It may look small, yet end of the evening we walked out full and happy. I totally recommend this place for diners thats interested in a place using local ingredient to create innovative Italian dishes.

  • all free

    all free


    I visited you on Sunday at 12:00. The venue is fully booked on the day of the event. The atmosphere is neither too elegant nor too casual, allowing you to enjoy your meal in a relaxed atmosphere. Salads where you can enjoy the natural sweetness of vegetables, The smoked salmon cream pasta was more delicious than I expected and more satisfying than the price. (Personally, I also liked the crispy and fluffy baguette!) This is a store I would like to visit again.

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