Sansuien in Kochi



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1-chōme-3-35 Takajōmachi, Kochi, 780-0862, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 88-822-0131
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5561733, Longitude: 133.5333883

kommentare 5

  • Akira Simizu

    Akira Simizu


    A historical hotel in Kochi that also has hot springs! They still use physical keys for the rooms, so a bit "traditional", but the hot spring was very spacious and relaxing. A pretty good selection for breakfast including some local delicacy, and also got to enjoy a complementary welcome drink at their in-house bar using fruits made in Kochi! Payment Style: Credit Card

  • Brian Cuss

    Brian Cuss


    The Bar was the best part for me. Had a great time with good conversation and in english. Which is rare where I live so it was nice. Close to the castle. Solid breakfast. Smoking room was..... small to say the least.

  • chuen



    All rooms are smoking room which is not good for non smoker. Rooms are spacious but the number two tower is old.

  • S M

    S M


    Amazing SAWACHI for finner!! and good Hot Spa and clean room makes me heal. The location also the Best. Fantastic quality

  • Jason Chuei

    Jason Chuei


    Old institution of a hotel, located along the river. Entrance is on the northwest side of the building (not along the river). Quite dated and could do with an upgrade, from interior public spaces, rooms and the onsen, but decent facilities.

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